Hi, you have Netflix, may I suggest that if you have some spare 90 mins to take a view of the Netflix Documentary The bitter pill. Basically the bottem line being ,we are the only living species on this earth that are over weight, or anthing we feed and make it over weight. The diet was described as the Atkins diet on Steroids. There was remarkable claims for Thyriod , Asthma, AHAD and autism. I would have just judged it as a good watch but this week I had a teleconsult with my Dr who is overseas and he suggested I should put my self in a state of ketosis, I also have been told this by a Belgium Dr. I have starved my body of Carbs and tonight I had a few chips from the fish shop and a bit of sugar and with in 20 mins I feel bloated. Let me know if you have seen it to discuss. Kind regards John C
Netflix ducumentary The bitter Pill: Hi, you... - Thyroid UK
Netflix ducumentary The bitter Pill

Interesting! I’ll have to watch it. I’ve been thinking about doing the keto diet for a little while but it seems like a lot of effort. Especially given I’m a dairy free pescatarian!
I will try to watch it. Thanks for sharing!
I think it’s called The Magic Pill.
sorry it is called the Magic pill, I have been on it for three days now and I dont feel bloated but have not lost any weight as yet.
John C
Just be careful with sudden influx of carbs when on keto, I was really strict, doing well and feeling much better, especially as no acid reflux in the whole time. A work colleague who is a fabulous baker brought in a gorgeous confection for her leaving do and I rashly decided I would indulge as would never happen again and the worst I thought woukd happen is I would drop out of ketosis.
Big mistake, I discovered something called sugar shock and nearly ended up in hospital! The sudden influx in sugar spiked my insulin through the roof very quickly and my heart went nuts, vert fast and skipping all over the place, it scared me silly and I immediately spotted the connection. Google gave me the answer and I decided to wait it out but came very close to calling an ambo over the next hour or so.
The upside, absolutely no temptation to do it ever again - very good aversion therapy but not recommended.
Phoenix, thanks for the tip. I have very high insulin levels and I really have to do something. I had jsut a few ships last night and felt bloated. What is amazing I dont feel hungary. The downside is I cannot stop going to the loo , I dont know where it all coming from. John
Look up the diet doctor website, has lots of recipes and gives a good overview of keto basics including ‘keto flu’ which is a collection of sideaffects you may experience as your body adjusts from burning fat to ketones it can last a few weeks. Changed toilet habits are definitely in there. Drink plenty, i was permanently thirsty for the first few weeks, i then got some electrolytes to add to the water as i found peeing so much was tanking them and got leg cramps.
Its the only thing thats worked since getting hypo for me, it is worth persevering. You dont measure calories on keto but its habit for me, i have gone from 1300 cals plus heavy exercise just to stop gaining to now on keto averaging 17-1800 calories with light exercise and have lost a stone in 2 months. I am only just upping my exercise as the ‘flu’ tanked my energy levels at first but now i am adjusting nicely. Rarely hungry and apart from missing cake now and then no cravings at all - this from an ex junk food carb queen!
If you get constipated later on as many do on keto i take my 300mg of magnesium with 1000mg vit c at night and works a treat.
If you want an ‘app for that’ the free version of Carb Manager is pretty good , just ignore the how much you want to lose a week question and set to maintain or it sets cals too low (which is incredibly hard to ignore)and actually stops you losing, just tinker about with your intake to find whats right for you, i struggled with the concept of more calories actually meaning more weight loss!!
There is so much nutritional advice out there and much of it makes sense and makes me want to try them-esp the paleo, low carb, etc. Now I try to take the sensible, middle of the road advice from various eating plans and, by trial and error, construct a healthy eating plan tailored to me and my health issues. Here's my story. About 4-5 years go I had gained a lot of weight (up to 267 pounds) and decided it was time to get serious. My main motivator was my health; on 2 insulins, many out of range labs, too many medicines, pressure to take even more drugs, esp statins (I refused this). And I felt tired all the time-you get the picture. So one day I was watching public tv (US). Every so often they have their fundraisers and regular programming is replaced mostly by self help lectures from prominent doctors, etc. When you donate you get their packet of informational books, dvds and so on. I picked a well-known doctor who has written several good books and promotes his own particular version of a strict plant-based diet. I got the info and started the diet. It took me about a week to begin feeling well and I started losing weight and quickly began being able to get off meds. The first to go was the insulin. (My doctor was working with me and for once wasn't witholding approval for anything I did.) Fast forward. I got well under 100 pounds, got off almost all my meds, felt good and thought I'd found the Holy Grail. I still followed the diet but tweaked it to make it a little less austere. Still, so far so good. But with all my current thyroid problems, including low Vit levels, and terrible symptoms-chronic pain, neuro sx, and more I really believe this way of eating contributed to the problems I am now trying to straighten out. Yes, I took supplements but there seems that there were so many other deficiencies no one (read doctors) picked up on. So now I am leary of nutritional advice that seems to work well in the short term but doesn't have the benefit of long-range data to help us avoid serious health concerns down the road. I don't know what the answer is. I guess just be aware one size does not fit all and also many of these diets may be fine for someone who is still healthy or has relatively few health problems. So for me, my current plan is take what might work for me and don't accept 100% of anyone's advice if they have no way to factor in my particular circumstances. Thanks, John for the Netflix info. I'm going to try to watch over this holiday w/e. And if anyone is interested in the plan I followed, feel free to PM me and I'll be happy to share. The one thing I am doing and believe in is going gluten free.Take care everyone. irina PS When my thyroid probs began to come to a head I took a good look at my previous diet and all the associated literature. With what I have learned about my health from this forum and also my A-fib forum, the nutritional deficiencies of my chosen diet became GLARING!
Not sure about keto. Carbs and sugar are essential for t4 to t3 conversion no? I came across info that people who are doing low carb or keto their TSH tends to go up. Also liver go sluggish. Maybe that's the reason conversion is affected. I'm gonna check the documentary. I might learn something.
How about the kidneys on a Keto diet - isn't there a danger there?
NOT if you drink plenty of water---same for the liver. You must stay WELL hydrated on keto, but this should really be no surprise, as most diets require it.
Of course. So true however, I had strokes and kidney failure - my GFR is very low so the way my kidneys filtrate is compromised some as it is with some people as they get older also. Too much protein is not good for people with compromised kidneys,
There is a world of difference between ketosis and ketoacidosis. You might do a little research on those two things so that you will fully understand. It's hard for me to explain... and I would never pretend to know what may/may not affect you adversely being that you already have kidney issues... Take care
Hi where did you get Ketoacidosis from I did m=not mention it and its not mentioned in documentary. Did you see the the doc and where did you see about Ketoacidosis. I may have missed it. Regards John
Just wanted to let you all know, today is my 4 week weigh-in on Keto... I have lost 13 pounds, and have really barely exercised, as I realized that I had "keto-flu" after the first week. I changed 2 other things recently, also, so cannot be SURE it's keto that has made the weight loss happen. I was taking 2 grains Armour, and really felt great, overall; however, I couldn't lose even 1 pound, no matter what I did (hadn't tried keto). I changed to Nature-throid. I also added Cynomel (Mexican Cytomel). I played around with the dosages a bit, and have found that I REALLY DID need a small increase, but that the increase needed to be t3, as I had guessed. So now, I am taking 1 1/2 grains Nature-throid, and 25mcg Cynomel. Something that most don't realize is that keto-flu is worse for hypothyroid folks because t3 tanks a bit in the first several weeks to months. I don't remember exactly where I came across that bit of info, but I saw it in several places with regard to research on "Cytomel and weight loss". I watched "The Magic Pill" this past weekend, and whereas I do NOT believe that keto is a "cure all," I DO believe that it might be a way to never get terrible diseases in the first place, such as cancers that feed on sugar and autoimmune conditions that feed on gluten...
HI, can you advise me what you eat for Breakfast? and what sort and how much fruit a day.. Thanks John
I usually have Bulletproof Coffee about 30 mins after taking my 90mcg Naturethroid... then, usually about 2 hours later, I will either have eggs with cheese and bacon or sausage (omelette style) with bell peppers and red onion---other days I have full-fat yogurt with flax and raspberries, 1/2 cup, 2 tbsp, 1/2 cup in same order. Sometimes I have NO breakfast, and fast until 11 a.m. Every day is a bit different. What I eat/don't eat dictates how I eat the rest of the day. It's really a hard question to answer... Today? I had BPC, and no breakfast. Had 1 cup of chili made with grass-fed beef, chia seed, and kidney beans with tomato at 11. It was not fat strained, and liquid was beef bone broth. I had cheese and ham as a late lunch, and a small ribeye with caesar salad for dinner. I had Spanish peanuts for a snack early, and a 1/4 serving of 85% dark chocolate as after dinner snack.
There is no link, its on netflix, Look up magic Pill.