fighting a losing battle under active thyroid, ... - Thyroid UK

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fighting a losing battle under active thyroid, pcos, vitamin d deficiency, ibs and now a lump and hearing loss.

jacquio2010 profile image
1 Reply

hi im not really sure where to start and it's trailing through Google that has led me to stumble across this site so I guess I'm just hoping for some advice of input.

I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2012 after severe weight gain acne excess hair growth in male areas and hair loss and thinness in others and severe mood swings and depression and no periods. I was put in dianette and told to go on a low GI diet and left to it by the doctors.

in 2014 I was then diagnosed with IBS after severe stomach cramps and bowel problems,and told by an nhs nutritionist to go onto a low fod maps diet and reduce/go gluten/diary free and take 40mg omprazole daily and then also prescribed metoclopramide about a year later due to the constant sickness feeling and gagging.

in 2014/2015 I was diagnosed with under active thyroid, due to again severe weight gain, fatigue, extreme tiredness, joint pain, depression/low mood, hair loss, headaches, memory troubles etc. firstly prescribed 25mg levothyroxine, since then ive gone up to 50mg then 75mg which i have been on for nearly a year. alongside this I have also been told to take vitamin d tablets as this also came back in my bloods as low. I was also told to do the 5.2 diet.

I have also has severe joint pains and pins and needles since 2014 especially in my knees and ankels/feet this got ignored time and time again and at my visit to the doctors end of last year they are now saying they are referring me for physiotherapy for my knees. I am yet to hear back on this.

nothing seems to work. I am now at a point where I have taken myself off of dianette 2 years ago as the side effects where worse than the help it gave, my periods did return and through change in diet the acne has gone but hair growth can still be a problem and cysts and pain during ovulation and due to the severe menstrual cramps bed bounding me at times i have recently been prescribed mefenmic acid 500mg. i am taking the levothyroxine, and vit d daily. the omprazole on and off daily as some days are worse than others alongside the metoclopramide. and the mefenamic acid at the time off the month when pain gets really bad.

anyways sorry I had to explain all this toe explain where I'm currently at and my frustrations. June 2017 I went to my doctors again and said that my symptoms seemed to be getting worse rather than better.....extreme tiredness and fatigue, lack of energy, severe weight gain, very low moods they retested my bloods etc and said there was no changes (?) and suggested anti depressants instead to help with mood and energy levels. I declined this as I really don't think another tablet is what I need given what I'm already taking at 29 years of age! anyways I muddled on from there I returned to the doctors early this year 2018 as I just couldn't go on I'm getting to the point where I'm missing so much of work because my energy levels and moods are all over the place and if I do make it in I struggle to make it through the day and would be at home asleep straight after work. I must add I do an office job so not over strenuous ie sitting most the day etc not hard labour to tire u to that extreme. they said it was to soon to retest my levels and would have to wait till the year was up from last testing and suggest I get a gym routine in place as this would help increase moods and energy levels. I have done this as much as possible with the energy levels and tiredness I do have and on good days yes it helps but on bad days it makes me feel even worse and I'm then more exhausted than I was initially. feels like I'm fighting a losing battle. I again went back to my doctors after 3 months and said the above who really hat repeated what they already said that it's to early to retest and that maybe i should think about counselling and anti depressants as it could be more psychological problems than the thyroid or pcos causing the problems I have. as mentioned I am not happy to go on anti depressants but I have began the counselling incase this can help I will do anything to try and help me out of this circle I seem to be stuck in.

I returned to my doctors again last week after again no improvement if anything it just seems to be worse, added to this I have had a small lump on the right side of my throat slowly growing of recent it's just under the jawline by my ear its relatively small but significantly noticeable by touch compared to the otherside, because the doctors seemed like they wasn't listening I put off going for a while but by the end of April I was having troubles swallowing and was producing flu like symptoms fever even more tiredness, hoarse voice and severe ear ache. upon going to my doctors last week and an examination that lasted all of a few minutes maximum I was told it's just a common cold and told to take pseudoephedrine hcl 60mg 3 times a day alongside paracetemol/ibropurofen for the pain. I know only a week has passed but i have no hearing out of my right ear now, and still feel so tired and low moods and the lump is concerning me.

I am struggling to find the currage to go back to the doctors about all this as I really just dont think they are taking me seriously. but I feel like I do know my body and I know soemthing isn't quite right. I shouldn't be feeling this way, I'm only in my 20s. any comments or advise is muchly welcomed please.

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shaws profile image

Welcome to our forum and I am very sorry you are only in your 20's but experiencing very distressing clinical symptoms.

You were diagnosed first with PCOS but I have read that thyroid hormones can assist in relieving or resolving PCOS. I also believe that you may have been misdiagnosed for a long time by being given 'other' diagnosis for separate symptoms which may well be hypothyroidism.

You need a Full Thyroid Function Test - it should be the very earliest possible blood draw. You should allow a gap of 24 hours between last dose of hormones and the test and take afterwards. If you are in the UK, there are two private labs which will do these for you and they are home pin-prick tests but they can make arrangements for a blood draw if you wish.

You need: TSH, T4, T3, Free T4, Free T3, and thyroid antibodies.

Doctor should test B12, Vit D, iron, ferritin and folate.

Get a copy of the results, with the ranges and put on a new post for comments.

Blue Horizon or Medichecks will do the above tests.

We have had posts in the past in which the people were misdiagnosed or undiagnosed (due to the TSH alone).

We have to read and learn and ask questions to be knowledgeable. Follow the advice when getting blood tests and also make sure you are well-hydrated a couple of days before blood draw. Free T4 and Free T3 are very important and read the reason in the link below:-

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