Recent '11 test' bloods by Medichecks now records an iron deficiency check under 'iron status' but does not use the words ferritin, despite the company's doctor reporting 'ferritin as normal, healthy iron stores'. This has a range of 13-150, mine was 62.8ug/L. SeasideSusie kindly mentioned earlier that the iron check is now 5 tests ( iron, TIBC,transferrin, ferritin and CRP-the latter an inflammation marker that might relate to raised ferritin). What I am not sure about now is how should I interpret the 62.8 ug/L - as equivalent to ferritin results, i.e. It should be a minimum of 70, perhaps up to 130? SeasideSusie suggests liver ( or as I can't abide it, black pudding) to bump up the iron levels.
Any suggestions to elevate folate ( result 7.48ug/L (2.91-50), I have taken a good quality folic acid (400 ug) daily for years, and perhaps despite minimal antibodies now, and no symptoms, perhaps have low gut absorption ( have lowish Vit D levels too despite years of daily 10,000 and 5,000ug tablets).
Any advice most welcome