“Good News” HASHIMOTO FLARE update since med in... - Thyroid UK

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“Good News” HASHIMOTO FLARE update since med increase

okaykay profile image
5 Replies

Increase in levothyroxine from 50mcg to 75mcg

My last post I asked if an increase in levo could cause a sore throat. Im not sure if that was related to my thyroid or just a virus. It lasted a week.

I posted a few weeks back. I was a hot little mess and wouldn’t leave my GP without an increase in Levothyroxine. I had been on 50mcg for 10 months and my labs in February were in range but had changed since August 2017.

August 2017

TSH 0.58

FtT4 1.3

FT3 3.03

February 2018

TSH 3.72 (0.27-4.20) ulU/ML

FT4 1.3. (0.9-1.7) NG/DL

FT3 2.77. (2.57-4.43) PG/ML

I felt awful. I had brain fog so bad, I could be in mid sentence and completely forget what I was talking about.

I was seeing double numbers and letters on paper, my Fitbit etc..

Everyday I woke with a headache and I had no appetite as I was choking on food.

The right side of my thyroid was inflamed and sore.

I was freezing and could have just stayed in bed and slept everyday.

I was having a hard time focusing and was easily distracted by conversations going on around me.

My whole body ached and nothing helped. I was

hopeless and discouraged, pushing through my days counting down the time until I could crawl back into bed.

I woke up often through the night and had terrible cramps in my legs.

My gut was a mess even though I am gluten, dairy and soy free.

I know you all get the picture.

My GP was not going to increase my levo to 75 mcg because I am 5’9 and weigh 110pds and my labs were “within range”. I pleaded my case knowledgeably. Most of my knowledge coming from the wonderful people in this group.

I told him that I am either not getting enough T4 or I’m not converting well, in which case after my labs in seven weeks we would know the verdict. I am in the USA and they do prescribe T3/Cytomel. The GP was shocked that I even knew what that was. (Chuckle)..

I just picked up my second fill of 75mcg levo yesterday. Oh, I also added transdermal magnesium spray to my daily vitamin/minerals too. The stuff is amazing. How I feel after one month.

I am sleeping through the night unless my bladder calls. My brain fog is 80% better.

The inflammation in my neck is gone and I actually have an appetite.

I’m tired, but only when I should be.

I am not waking with headaches and my body aches are minimal comparatively.

My double vision has gotten better.

My hands and feet are still cold at times, but I also have Raynaud’s.

I can focus with other thing going on around me.

I’m not overwhelmed by every little thing.

I believe I’ve gained some weight, but I don’t own a scale. So I’ll know in two weeks.

I have not had leg craps in a couple weeks and I think that has a bit to do with magnesium spray. I will never run out of that!

My gut is much better and I’m more regular ;)

I have no clue what my labs will tell me but they have ordered




Reverse T3

TGab antibodies

My TPo was 1,378 last June and for some reason the GP won’t run that one again. They say it’s “A diagnostic only test”. I’m going to ask again anyways. I will update in a couple weeks, but I wanted to share some happy and sweet news. Like they say you can’t have sweet if you don’t have the sour! Thank you to everyone of you that share your experiences and knowledge! I wouldn’t have a clue if it weren’t for you!

Praying for all of you!

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okaykay profile image
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5 Replies
shaws profile image

One doctor I knew of only took blood tests for the initital diagnosis and thereafter it was all about how the patient felt on particular increments of dosing until they were symptom free. Of course the patient had also to have a good diet and optimum vits/minerals. It is amazing how you've felt after magnesium.

You must be pretty pleased with yourself :) and I am glad you were strict with your GP and put him right :) isn't it amazing what a little knowledge can do?

okaykay profile image
okaykay in reply to shaws


I read those links on the post you pasted them. That’s wonderful information and sad that doc is no longer with us. I’m shocked at the difference magnesium has made! Good natural stuff. :)...I am a firm believer in “the patient knows best”..It would take a GP to feel as bad, to understand and it sounds like that Doctor understood. Thank you for sharing. Knowledge is power!Do you happen to know what a TBG test is? Thyroxine binding Globulin? That is on my lab sheet in two weeks as opposed to a TGab.

Does anyone reading this know? I just noticed this today and wondered what that actually measures. It sounds similar to the reverse T3, but on t4?

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to okaykay

It is to do with thyroid antibodies I believe and it is within the following link:-


okaykay profile image
okaykay in reply to shaws

Thank you. I will read more on it and try to understand. I just want to make sure it’s something that is going to tell us something we don’t know. My TPO was 1378 June of 2017 and my TSH was 55.2. I’m feeling better with the increase in levo and adding transdermal magnesium to my routine.

What is type of T3 med is most commonly tolerated? I know we are all different. Thank you Shaws!

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to okaykay

As you say, we are all different and each may have a different response to T3s. If we have a bad reaction sometimes it is to the fillers/binders in the product rather than the T3 itself, being an ordinary hormone.

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