Latest blood test result showed TSH and T4 were in range, but antibodies have gotten higher.
Thyroglobulin Antibody - 1136 (max in range is 115)
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies - 175 (max in range is 34)
GP wants to increase T4 to 175 even though the last time it resulted in heart palpitations,night sweats and feeling generally even worse. Received letter from Endo who sympathised but declared that T3 is not an option and suggested to go private. Well, if it were affordable......really worried that if anti-bodies increase there is a a real risk of ending up in a coma and, given the current thinking about treatment, it will be curtains!
Don't understand how TSH, T3 and T4 can be normal and anti-bodies increased.Anyone experienced the same problem?