I have just come back from having this test done - I have Hashimoto’s and this year has been just the worst year of my life - my son was critically ill with asthma, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and along with the usual life stress, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer... I thought all was going ok and trying to get back on an even keel when my endo rested my 9am cortisol at 182 nmol and now I am worried about the next adrenal potential autoimmune issue.
I am normally a strong person but husband and family just don’t understand and live in my body which feels as if it’s falling apart. I just wanted to off load to you lovely people. Does anybody know how common this adrenal testing is along with Hashimoto’s ? I feel I am just bracing myself for the next thing. I used to run, cycle, live life to the full and now just feel I have got a brick wall.
Thank you so much for even reading this.