Is it worth getting t3 tested? My last blood tests showed normal but Low ft4 ft3 and tsh.
T3 test: Is it worth getting t3 tested? My last... - Thyroid UK
T3 test

Post the results of the TSH, FT4 and FT3 with the ranges and members will respond.
We want 'optimal' when having blood tests. Normal is meaningless as it doesn't tell us anything - just that we are in a range.
Our TSH should be 1 or lower and FT4 and FT3 in the upper part of the ranges.
Tsh 0.886 (0.27-4.20)
Ft4 12.5 ( 12.00-22.00)
Ft3 3.81 (3.10-6.80)
Tt4 72.4 (59.00- 154.00)
I'm going to get these retested next week and wondered if getting t3 tested would be of any use.
These results are horrendous:-
Ft4 12.5 ( 12.00-22.00)
Ft3 3.81 (3.10-6.80)
That's why you feel unwell. Both at the bottom instead of nearer the top of the range.
FT3 is the best test. Read why, on the following link, why the Frees are better than just a T4 and T3 test:-
Thank you I will look at the info... I do feel really poorly and I suffer with goiter to add. Yet docs all say bloods in range and that's that so I get no medication and I'm seen as a nuisance, I have a good life yet I can't enjoy it as lack in energy... I hate feeling like this.
We have already discussed secondary hypothyroidism in a previous post and the suggestion made to get a referral to a proper thyroid specialist.
It comes under Central Hypothyroidism :
Secondary hypothyroidism is where the problem lies with the pituitary
Tertiary hypothyroidism is where the problem lies with the hypothalamus
Further investigation should be carried out.
But what can I do when Drs refuse to take any notice. I've heard of self medicating but is this advisable in my situation?
What dose of Levo are you taking ? - and how do you take it ?
No you can't self medicate because you don't know what you are treating. You need to know if the problem is with the pituitary or hypothalamus and that would need addressing. The thyroid might be fine, just that the signal to produce thyroid hormone isn't reaching it due to a problem with the pituitary or hypothalamus not being able to send the signal.
You find articles and evidence from reputable sources as already advised, present them to your GP and be assertive. If he still won't refer you ask if he will refer you for a private consultation, if he says yes then ask if he willing to do that why won't he refer you on the NHS. Take someone with you into your consultation, it's surprising what a difference that can make.

What do you mean by T3?
FT3 is the important test and you appear to have had that done already. If you mean Total T3 then don't bother, the FT3 is a much better test.

Has your GP tested folate, ferritin and B12
Also you said in previous post that vitamin D was low. How much are you supplementing and has it been retested
All these vitamins must be optimal for good thyroid and can cause symptoms in themselves
I've only had ferritin tested and that was 30 (12- 250) I'm going to get all these tested when I retest my ft3 and ft4.
Ferritin is far too low. Needs to be at least 70, but towards half way in range is better
Add you vegetarian?
If not, this suggests you may have gut issues going on, or possibly you experience heavy periods, a common reason for low ferritin
Eating liver once a week should help improve levels
If cause is gut issues, then low B12 and folate are more likely too
I'm not a vegetarian and I have suffered from some stomach pains past year with either constipation or diahorea, constipation the most though., my periods changed about a year ago also, they got lighter but lasting longer I just put that down to pre menopause and the stomach pains down to IBS though that's not been diagnosed.