Dear all, apologies in advance if this is a rambling post. I hope it makes sense.
I have reached the point where I feel like I am hitting my head against a brick wall. I do have a good GP who I've been with for quite a long time. I have suffered depression/PTSD for most of my adult life. I think the problem with this is everything gets blamed on depression and stress. The thing is I feel as if something else is going on. I will give a brief account of what is going on:
I am tired most of the time I have very little energy. I will struggle out of bed and manage to walk the dogs and then I am completely exhausted . I have been seeing a naturopath Dr who suggested I take my temperature each morning and over the last two months and the highest it's been is 35.1 most mornings it is the 34 mark, I don't know if this is considered low? He thinks I have problems with adrenals, possible thyroid? I am in constant pain in random places over my body, lower back, neck, shoulder. I am always cold. If you read thyroid list I have pretty much everything apart from weight gain (something to be grateful for).
I am under pain clinic and am waiting to see consultant again but that could be a 2-3 month wait. In the meantime they want me to get blood test with my Dr especially for B12 because during the night I have this strange thing where various parts of my body randomly kick out as if someone has hit a reflex point? Also Vit D. I don't think I will be deficient in these because I do supplement during winter with Vit D and last time I had bloods (Nov 2016) Vit d & B12 were high.
As I said my last blood test was November 2016 when I did think it could be my thyroid then but it all came back normal! TSH 2.19 and FreeT4 13.6. I have had borderline results in the past but then they normalise again. I am at the end of my tether. I am 48 years old and feel more like 80.
If you have read this far thank you. Any thoughts of what could be going on or what I could do or try.
Many many thanks