Hi guys n gals and anyone in between ha. Just an update I seen my doc again yesterday and he agreed I am much better so agreed to let me stay on the 100. Will do bloods again in 6 weeks. I feel so much calmer, and not loads more energy but I am definitely not fatigued. As well as dose change. I also stopped taking the yakobee drinks (that contain soy) and replaced the berrocca for quantum optimum performance 1 a day multi vitamin and mineral tab. Also been practicing meditation and self healing the holistic way. I can’t believe the change in myself. I told the doc im going away he said that’s ok just be careful of energy drinks, alcohol, or any with too much sugar as the levythroxine is a stimulant and as I’m prone to stress could set the whole cortisol rise thing off. I guess it will be hard whilst away with a party of 34 but then I have to remember that post thyroidectomy my life will never be the same and I have to count my blessings. Be thankful. Learn to manage my condition. Move on and make the most of it. Hope your all good. Take card of yourselves and peace out 💕✌🏼🌈
Feeling good: Hi guys n gals and anyone in... - Thyroid UK
Feeling good

Glad to hear you're feeling a lot better. But, I'm afraid, you are wasting your money on that multi-vit. If it contains iron, you will not be able to absorb any of the vitamins. And if it contains calcium and iron, you won't absorb either of those, either, because they will bind together. If it contains iodine, that will probably be doing you more harm than good. And if it contains copper, you probably don't need that, as hypos are usually high in copper. Multi-vits are a huge con, for many reasons.
Have you had your vit D, vit B12, folate and ferritin tested? It would be far better to just take what you need, based on those tests.
And your doctor is wrong, levo is not a stimulant, it is a storage hormone.
Hi thanks for that. No it doesn’t contain calcium or iodine but yes small amount of iron. I think my doctor was trying to say because my blood test results say I’m overdosed, they wanted me to reduce but I was on the floor and they could clearly see that, so I flat refused, he said then to be careful of adding stimulants to the mix.like I was speeding just cos I was chatting normally. But I felt awful on 87.5 so upped myself to 100. He could tell I was clearly better and eventually agreed I could stay on the 100. I haven’t loads more energy but I am certainly not fatigued as I was. Some on here have looked at my test results and said I have a conversion problem. So I need to see my endo but will be hard work getting thro to him, as last time he said diet has abs nothing to do with thyroid issues!!! It’s like a bloody nightmare tbh and I wonder how us poor souls would fare if we didn’t have this site and each other. Also I know my immune system is shattered at the moment as I seem to be getting one thing after another. It is very early days tho only having my thyroidectomy in November so I’m hoping it gets better. By the way when i presented my endo with symptoms he completely ruled out the addition of T3 and as he put in his notes tried to disuade me from seeking natural dessicated hormone. My muscles are really weak. I used to be strong pre op. Swimming 3x per week now I struggle to get thro the day. My mood is better tho, sleep good, not constipated anymore. And nails seem to be stronger. I am very grateful for the pluses. And you guys
Are you taking vit C? High doses of vit C is very good. But, start low and increase slowly. You probably also need about 400 mg magnesium. You don't need to test for those two.
Endos are usually diabetes specialists, and know very little about thyroid. Even so, they should know more about nutrition, but they don't! They know nothing. Never got to a doctor for nutritional advice! Number one rule. lol Nor do they know about any hormones except insulin, so it really doesn't surprise me that he pooh-poohed T3 and NDT. Did he cross himself and bring out the garlic? lol
Haha. Erm yes iv started eating an orange per day and a glass of Oooh what’s it called that juice that only contains pure fruit innocent. Iv started that for extra vit c and I’d started the optimum multi vit with super strength b vits. And although I have felt miles better iv just been advised the multi vit cos contains iron and copper. Not doing any good. It’s crazzzyyyyyy oh man Can’t believe what my life’s become haha. You have to laugh or you’d cry.
Yeah, it was me that advised you that a multi-vit was a waste of money. But, I didn't say it was no good because it contained copper, I said you should get your copper tested before taking any because hypos often have high copper. But, a multi-vit won't contain enough of anything to help a true deficiency. How much B12 is in yours?
And, you really aren't going to get enough vit c out of one orange to do any good. And, from what I've heard, Innocent isn't as innocent as it pretends to be. It actually contains a lot of sugar. I take 5000 mg of vit C a day. And orange only contains about 53.2 mg.
No sorry u said it was no good if it contained iron which it does. The B12 is 50mg per tab. Ye I know 1 orange won’t do much but it adds up to everything else in my diet with vit c. And well yes innocent are pure fruit and fruit contains a lot of sugar so on that score yes they do contain a lot of sugar. You could drive yourself mad couldn’t you haha 🤪 Best try be positive as I often think if we think that something is good for us then it is good for us if u know what I mean. Then along comes some1 who blows it out the window ha and you start on a down and ultimately that negativity can have such an enormous impact and be more detrimental than the actual thing that was supposed to be bad for us. For instance I met a lovely woman in the health food shop who recommended them vits. She got her thyroid removed 30 years ago and does just fine she said. She was bright bubbly and working away hard in the shop. She said she takes them vits so I guess we just each have to see how things are for us ourselves as individuals. Like I was once told unless you take proper vitamin C and not absorbic acid that these huge dose vitamin c are actually made of then they reckoned absorbic acid is of no worth as vitamin c would be. As I say tho if it makes u think it makes u feel better then that is half the battle. Thank u for your advice tho. It is greatly appreciated . .
Ummmm... well, it's perfectly possible that the woman in the health food shop was taking those vits and doing very well despite them, because she didn't have low nutrients. We should never compare ourselves with others.
50 mcg of vit B12 is not going to do anything for a B12 deficiency - or even a low B12. It's not enough. But, as there's iron in it, you're not going to absorb that 50 mcg anyway. That's the point. You might just as well through that money out of the window for all the good it will do you. But, if you like wasting money, go ahead. But do be careful of that copper. I over-dosed on copper once. It wasn't nice.
No I’m not comparing myself to the health food shop woman. I’m just saying she’s thyroidless. Hypo and she hasn’t had a problem with them vits no scary copper over dose. All I can say is I’m feeling much much better since upping my dose to 100 and starting them vits whether it’s related who knows. But happy days I’m feeling better. Ha nooo I don’t like wasting money at all. Iv takin what you said on board. Thank you 😊
By the way it contains copper, so I’ll prob stop taking it now. Waste more money trying to get myself better. Thought that multi vit plus other factors was doing me good. But iv woke up this morning with cold like symptoms ‘again’ all stuffed up. And sore throat. And so tired. Iv slept all nite but still in bed v tired and feeling like crap AGAIN
I don't agree with your doctor that levothyroxine is a stimulant. It is a thyroid hormone called T4 (levothyroxine) and has to convert to the Active Hormone T3. It is T3 that is required in all of our T3 receptor cells and for that to happen, we have to have an optimum dose of levothyroxine (T4) inactive hormone.
If you are post thyroidectomy I am surprised you are not on a combination of T4/T3.
You need a Free T4 and Free T3 blood test and I'll give you a link for you to read why these are important.
GP should test B12, Vit D, iron, ferritin and folate.
Hi I know crazy isn’t it. He also told me that muhammed Ali used to take it to lose weight. I said dr no offence I take it to stay alive. Look back on my posts youl see my blood results been tested for all them bar ferritin
I doubt Mohammad Ali would not have taken levothyroxine as it is T4 alone. He is more likely to have taken liothyronine which is the active hormone. If someone, not hypo, took liothyronine (T3) to lose weight then it could be a stimulate to raise metabolism but I certainly wouldn't take anything if I didn't need it.
By the way the multi vit got copper in so after your advice I’ll prob not take it anymore I thought I felt better of it. But woke this morning again with cold like symptoms ‘again’ all stuffed up n feeling crap ‘AGAIN’
I didn't advise about copper so it must have been another member who's got more experience than me on vitamins/minerals
Sorry I’m still trying to suss this site out. I think because my doctor thought I was overdosed, going by my ‘blood results’ he said be careful of adding stimulants to the mix. Ye he obv thought I was speeding because I was chatting normally not slow, drawn out and heavy like at previous appointments. He just kept saying according to your results you are overdosed and I have to advise you to lower. I said doc can u not see I’m much better, yes he agreed and eventually agreed to let me stay on the 100. As I say iv still not the strength to wash me windows or even my window ledge. Or clean the bath ha. But I can potter about. Its even hurting my arms holding this phone up. But I am very very grateful of the positives. I sleep, I am not constipated anymore. I am not fatigued. My skin and nails seem much better. I know it’s v early days only having had my thyroidectomy Nov. And of course I am very grateful for you guys . . .
Have you got the last set of results you can post with their ranges for comments? You don't sound over medicated sobim suspecting that he is only looking at your TSH which tends to be unreliable once you are on medication. It's important that FT4 and FT3 are in range but more important where in the range they are so your results can help us more.