Coooey it’s me again ha. Still on 100mcg levy and still on an up. However iv noticed this last month my nails and skin esp on my hands is very dry. My nails seem to have lines down them and have become so brittle. Is this only to be expected 5 months post total thyroidectomy?
Skin after thyroidectomy : Coooey it’s me again... - Thyroid UK
Skin after thyroidectomy

Dry skin can be a sign of undermedication. What are your latest test results?
Hi, my name is Luan and I have all hyper simtom.Gp doctor he give me just basic blood test.I have on 5 April appointment with the endocrinologist and I would like to know what blood test I should have, I had ultra sounds for thyroid and I have cistici noduli thank you very much
luan, you must post again as this may not be seen. To answer your question, this website is helpful and you can look up nodules on your thyroid as well as this
To get the answers you need .. you need to start a new posting
Of your own , as your question may not be noticed under someone else’s heading,
if you know what I mean .. so start a new thread of your own ..
And you will get lots of answers
Choose a good heading that will be noticed by others .
Best of luck
I have read that the usual Thyroxine needs after total Thyroidectomy is 200-250 Thyoxine daily. Dry skin is one of the symptoms of underactivity- Hypo. The nails I do not know but I developed them with age. I advise you to see your endo about increasing your meds as 100mcgs is a low dose when you have no Thyroid gland. Good luck
That is not a universal requirement. Some people do fine on considerably less than 200 micrograms. But few without any thyroid do OK on 100 or less.
I have had a T.T. and my optimum dose is 100 so everyone is different
Hello everybody, I had a partial thyroidectomy many years ago and am now on 100mg thyroxine which seems to suit. I do have problems with joints and fibromyalgia but do not know if this is connected to the thyroid or just old age, as I do not feel ill as such I have no wish to rock my boat by experimenting with medications. Am only replying in the hope this may give others positive support after a thyroid operation.
I don’t have a thyroid and I am only on 100mcg if thyroxine as is my father and we are both fine on it.
Two of the few!
It is interesting that some manage on what would appear inadequate doses. At least, if assessed using comparisons with other patients, formulas for need, etc. Shows - yet again - we are all different.
Hi Teddy. How long ago did you have your TT and how long did it take for your body to adjust? And are your energy levels and mood good now?
I was on 175 Synthroid and 25 Cytomel and now straight t3 100mcg a day divided up into 25 every five (5) hours or so. I definitely think with no thyroid I am feeling good because of the higher dose, especially t3.
Thing is the increase in dose makes my heart race and I’m only just under 9stone. They tried making me take 100 1 day and 75 the next which worked out at 87mcg per day. I upped myself to 100 but I’m worried to increase case i have a heart attack. I never got my bloods last week cos I took my levy by mistake so I’ll get them done Monday and post results when I get them. Thanks for your advice twink 😊
I’ve have a total thyroid removed and I’m on 175mg a day.
Morning haze please tell me how long ago TT and how long till you felt right? I’m only just under 9st and take 100 it seems I’m much better than the 87 doc put me on. Hopefully my skin and nails will improve now. Iv heard it can take a year or more for your body to settle down after TT. Did u find this?
The nail changes are also associated with hypothyroidism, as I recollect, and certainly were in my case. Don't allow this situation of undermedication to persist; we underestimate the damage. If an increase in dosage of the thyroxin fails to help, consider dessicated pork thyroid, because that would probably mean you were not converting T4 to T3. The pork thyroid contains T3 already and some T4. There is a T3 synthetic, but it is hard to manage. Good luck.
because the thyroid doesn't just create T4, it creates t's 1-7 or something. You may need NDT instead. NHS will not help so I've pm'd you what may. Some Consultants are actually prescribing for this now so maybe just ask.
Sounds very much you need more medication butcas well as getting yourcthyroid bloods done get Vit D, B12, folate and ferritin tested as well as they are good for helping converstion but need to be optimal, not just in range.
Dry skin is a very specific marker for hypothyroidism, especially when it has come on after thyroidectomy. You need to have your levothyroxine dose increased. Get a copy of your blood test results and post them here.
Iv just increased my dose from 87 to 100 and feel much better already. I was planning my funeral last week. I’ll get my bloods done Tuesday and post soon as. Thanks Jim 😊
My nails improved greatly once I got my vitamin D up so would be worth trying that.
Hi, I have to say dry skin of the sandpaper type is something I can't get rid of, including my scalp which seems to grow thick dry skin. My forearms are so dry they have little bumpy red spots on them. I take quite a dose, 3 grains of NDT and 3 tabs of T3 but this problem persists. My nails are brittle and they split half way down the nail bed which can be very painful. The skin on my face cracks around my mouth and I can just rub it off my face as there's always a top very dry layer. I take vit D3 omega 3, vit E, vit B complex. I know my iron is low though. I developed psoriasis in my armpits pre diagnosis of hashimotos, I keep that under control with Doublebase. I never use soap on my skin. I'm gluten free, and have a very good diet, no junk, I eat an avocado every day, nothing helps, I eat a tablespoon of coconut oil a day too, and drink at least 3 litres of water.

Have you sufficient silica in your diet? Might neeed to supplement with extra including ALA, MSM, magnesium, etc. I'm just starting a new, similar regime, plus 200 mcg levo, and getting improved skin, nails results. Good luck!
Hi Jayne22, thanks for replying. Yes I take MSM, ( on my first bottle, so maybe it takes a while) and magnesium, but not ALA, I will look into this thanks! Re silica, looked up foods containing silica, yes I do eat some of these foods, I've cut down on grains as I'm gluten free, and I can't eat some of the fruits listed due to interstitial cystitis which can restrict my diet, as it has to be low acid. Maybe I should take a supplement and see if it helps.
Had the dry skin as well after TT, actually for a long time, probably around 2 years, but the first year was the worse.
Yes, it's a marker of hypothyroidism.
Nevertheless, I've noticed that after TT it took a while for my body to adjust on external hormone source, I have started with 100 T4 and went gradually up (and sometimes down) up to 175 T4 where I've found relief, but not consistency. That's why I've changed at some point to a mixed T4/T3 approach that also took me two more years to stabilize into a consistently good response.
Regardless of the many cases you see here, remind yourself that the vast majority of patients handle very well the T4 only treatment (they say >80%, it's not set in stone but enough to make an informed opinion) It's a game of test & results, symptoms and realistic targets and you need patience and determination in searching for increasingly more optimal, consistent results.
Is our immune system very low after TT?
Well, I wouldn't say "very low" but I can note that, some time, previously Graves being discovered, I have realised that catching a cold was far less probable than normal. After TT I think it was a little more frequent than usual but otherwise I have no elements to say I've seen a diminishing in the immune reaction. Whatever tests I've had there were normal.
So I can't say if there is or not a reduction of immune response after TT but to me it seemed there is a long adjustment period on external supply of hormones. Personally I've found that dose spreading and night dose (to mimic somehow the daily pattern) helps in achieving better outcomes. Some do not tolerate night-time Levo/T3 but for me it helped with better sleep and less morning fatigue.
I have half a thyroid and take 100 + half a 25mcg tablet and have Hashimoto's. Sometimes I feel it is not enough and sometimes too much but if I go to 100mcg feel more awful than I do already. Have the type of Hashimoto's that goes up and down.
The first step is to get copies of your thyroid blood tests, and if possible vitamins, too. Folate, ferritin, vit B12 and vit D.
This will tell you if you're on the right dose. It needs to be turned to get it just right.
My skin is dry to and my nails also have the lines going down them. Someone told me that iam not getting enough calcium.
That might help in u don't do good with dairy products. In the us where i live it's not cheap.
I am having the same things. Did you have Radioactive Iodine/
Hi, How is your skin condition now and what helped? I seem to have similar issues.
Hi Jam my skin is not too bad, still dry but not as much. Nails are much better too. Erm well I started high dose vitaminD and high B12. Plus take selenium + zinc. And oily fish twice a week. Funnily enough theyv now got me reduced to 75mcg levythroxine. Only been 4 weeks so we’l see. It’s a blooming nuisance to say the least. Iv my endo + bloods appointment next week I’m hoping 🙏🏽 I can have an increase as tho in some ways I’m better as in less agitated and anxiety. I’m slightly constipated and lack get up and go.
Thanks for your quick reply. I had an issue with constipation too but now solved, what helped me was forming a new habit of doing it daily first thing in the morning, gradually and with ease, it worked. Get up and go seems to be a habit too. just sharing.
That’s always been my routine every morning like clockwork. And even after my TT still was regular. But since I’m down to 75mcg iv struggled to pass a motion so bin on the prunes and drinking the juice ha. I feel 75 is far too low a dose with no thyroid tho. So will be pushing for an increase next week. Did u not get bad anxiety and crazy ass moments of mad outbursts after your TT? Mines just settling down now.
"Anxiety" yes, I sure did.Medication has solved it for me, My doctor gave me INDUCTAL 2. One pill at night for a month, reduced to half a pill for another month, reduced again to a quarter pill for another month, then full stop. it provided me peaceful sleep at night and relaxation.