I have just borrowed this book from the library after reading on here of his work. It was donated!! It seems a very good book for everyone who is struggling and cannot convince the medical profession that you are actually ill. He speaks our language!!!
Dr Peatfields book “Your Thyroid and how to kee... - Thyroid UK
Dr Peatfields book “Your Thyroid and how to keep it healthy”

Yes, it is a great book as is Diana Holme's book
who sought out Dr P after advice from her friend.
Dr Peatfield is a humane doctor pursued for treating patients as he was taught as a student so much so he resigned his Licence but still was able to advise private clients but couldn't prescribe. He is suffering from ill-health at present.
Thank you. That is a shame. We are losing those who know what they are talking about. Very very sad. 😔
As far as I know, doctors trained in Dr P and Dr Skinners time were slowly pursued and many I believe resigned.
Dr S wouldn't and he appeared before the GMC several times and it wasn't his patients who complained (who did?) and the GMC received 10,000 testimonials from his patients saying their lives were saved. Dr S, unfortunately for his family and patients, died of a heart attack which all thought was due to the undue pressures. He had a friend who did a calculation of the odds and (I cannot remember exactly) would have been around 4 million to 1.
I saw Gordon Skinner in 2010. My GP referred me at my request and she said he was good, but she wouldn’t agree to the dosage he aimed for and I stayed at 25 mcg and she eventually stopped it. Here I am 8 years later sicker than ever!!! Although I have managed to get to 50 mcg xx
How awful for you and I hope that being on this forum will give you confidence to finally recover your health. Eight years of ill-health due to the awful guidelines cannot be returned to us.
How long have you now been on 50mcg? Are you aware that all blood tests have to be at the very earliest possible, fasting (you can drink water) and allow a gap of 24 hours between last dose of levo and test and take afterwards.
GP should also test B12, Vit D, iron, ferritin and folate.
Get a print-out of your results with the ranges and put on a new post for comments.
Been on 50mcg just 12 days, had to beg. Managed to get back to 25mcg after Christmas, then begged again, added another 1/2 tablet, so 35.5mcg, now 50. Gp not happy, but I insisted. She will not do any more I fear. Yes try to do bloods first thing fasting etc. Endo appointments were afternoon, so no good at all!!! My results are all on here somewhere! I take Vit D and K spray, B vits and multi vit with iron. I have been ill for a lot longer than 8 years, more like 16+!!!! Operation in two weeks, just hope I’ve done enough to help with recovery!!!
Many thanks.