Why do I still feel terrible: I have been on levo... - Thyroid UK

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Why do I still feel terrible

5 Replies

I have been on levo for about five months, 100mg for the past eight weeks. My bloods today were

TSH 1.1 range 0.3 - 5

T4 16.5 range 12 - 22

T3 5.7 range 3.1 - 6.8

In theory I should be feeling well, but last ten days I’ve been like a zombie with brain fog (I couldn’t work a self scan check out and keep getting lost and disorientated) had an increase in muscle pain in my glutes and hips, been exhausted and low and then at times flushed with heat, anxious and have had diarrhoea.

I see my GP tomorrow, any advice on what’s going on and what help to ask go for?

Thanks Michael

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5 Replies
marsaday profile image

So you feel worse more recently ?

Very often we can actually go to high with T4 or T3 and not realise it. To high or low can often be similar (and can also be wildly different), so it can often be confusing.

Looking at your bloods your Ft4 is good and Ft3 is good. You are looking pretty well optimised.

The best thing you can do to test out what you need (more or less hormone) is to reduce first of all. This is so simple to try and you can often get feedback within a day or two. Most people go for an increase when they feel a little off, but i always test out a drop first.

You will either feel better or worse (sometimes no change). Both are really valid results and will help guide you on what you need to do longer term.

I would look at doing a 12.5mcg T4 drop first off. This would mean taking 100 T4 one day and 75 the next. It would help if you have some 50mcg tablets as well, but i imagine you may only have the 100's. Use a stanley blade to cut the tablet into 1/2's or 1/4's.

See how you feel. Then post back results.

There may well be more to feeling off such as certain vitamin and mineral levels, but try the reduction first and see what happens.

Thanks Marsaday, that’s very kind and also helpful. I was wondering if I was a bit over medicated so will check out with my gp, in the morning.

Thanks again for taking time to reply,


SlowDragon profile image

Have you had vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 tested?

These need to be at good levels. If too low it slows up our ability to use up thyroid hormones. Can make you feel hyper but be hypo

Low vitamins are extremely common. Very many need to supplement to keep at high levels

Low vitamin D can cause bone and joint pain

Brain fog can be low B12, can cause forgetfulness and confusion

Do you have any gut symptoms.

Hi there, I'll see if my gp will check vitamins. I've no ongoing gut problems, I had a bought of diorrhea last week as my symptoms got worse and had horrible stomach bloating for the first few months on levo and had weak and twitching abdominal muscles when I was first I'll with hyperthyroid symptoms a year ago, that twitching reduced massively when I became hypothyroid.


in reply to

GP advised a levo dose increase from 100mg to 125 mg

as he says he wants my TSH fully suppressed.... I’ll give it a six week trial and hope it helps rather than sends my T3 over the normal range and worsens my symptoms

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