Please may I ask for your advice on recent blood results. Serum Iron Level - 16
( range 10 to 30)
Trans Ferrin Saturation index - 25.5
(Range - 20 to 50%)
Serum Transferrin - 2.5
(Range - 2 to 4)
Thank you. I am taking 75mcg of Levothyroxine since 06/02/18. I started taking Levothyroxine 50mcg in September 2017.
My recent blood test for TSH was 2.86 and T4 was 15.3 and hence why Levothyroxine has been upped to 75mcg. And further blood test to follow. Don’t feel especially great
Anxiety is a massive problem for me. Any advices please on this. Just feel so wired all the time and cannot relax.