Currently taking 125 mg levothyroxin per day for under active thyroid but have started to develop calcium lumps under my skin on my back does my condition affect how my body absorbs calcium uptake is there anything I can do to halt this process and should I be worried as I'm guessing and only guessing as I'm not sure but these deposits are telling me that my body is either not absorbing calcium properly or producing to much need help and guidance on this matter , thank you
Calcium and thyroid ( help) : Currently taking... - Thyroid UK
Calcium and thyroid ( help)
The above explains the causes, have you had your calcium level checked ?
No the gp has never even brought the subject up at all I'm afraid and thanks for the link 👍
I suggest you see your GP for a definite diagnosis then further testing if needed, especially if it's a parathyroid problem causing high calcium as that would need treating.
Thanks I will indeed go and ask for testing, thank you you've been most helpful. Ps is parathyroid to much calcium in the body affected by the thyroid
Good luck.
Are you taking any vitamin D at all? If so are you also taking Magnesium and Vit K2? If taking Vit D you need to take the co factors. I wastakibg Vit D and my calcium levels went over range so I added in Magnesium and K2 and they dropped back. If you have too much calcium in your blood which is how it is tested then you can be at risk of forming gall stones or kidney stones or the calcium entering your muscle. So K2 takes the calcium out of your blood and puts in in your bones and teeth and the Magnesium locks it in.
No not taking any supplements apart from omega oils and tumiric and vit c but when levels are tested if they come back high I will try the k2 natto and magnesium thanks for the post