Hi there. If we stop taking levo and change to privately sourced NDT it T 3, where do we stand on being exempt from nhs prescription charges? Thanks
Prescription charges: Hi there. If we stop taking... - Thyroid UK
Prescription charges

Doesn't make a scrap of difference.
So long as your doctor is still willing to sign the exemption form when necessary - it is the condition not the medicines such. However, it does specify myxoedema (that is, hypothyroidism which needs thyroid hormone replacement) so if your doctor did not think this was the case, you could have a problem.
Or move out of England.
Thanks. I have confirmed Hashimoto for the last 26 years but still don’t feel right. Was thinking of alternatives but have other conditions too, latest is pre diabetes, so didn’t want to lose the free prescriptions. Or chance the fine for incorrect use of the exemption certificate.
I had to buy my own ndt for about three years after diagnosis when levothyroxine did not work. I made it clear to my GP I was doing this & kept them fully informed. The private doctor wrote to them several times. My free prescriptions continued.
I pay privately for NDT and my GP is aware of this. Supports my decision but not prepared to prescribe for me. He still offers thyroid tests and I get free prescriptions for my psoriasis - shampoo, creams, etc.. not a problem at all.
When I was first diagnosed over 30 years ago I was put on NDT which at that time did not give me free prescriptions but it was changed later down the line so an older GP may be very behind the times.
My GP has it emblazoned across my records that I am Hypothyroid.
When I pick up any prescription I never have my exemption card with me. I’m not sure how much information they can access about me at the pharmacy, but there is never any issue.
Please do not pick up unnecessary Levothyroxine tablets if you do not need them. Just tell your GP that you are not using it so they can take you off the system.
Youll be fine. At the end of the day you are diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. There is no rule out there that says you have to have the standard treatment to have the exemption on meds. Its done on the condition you have not on the treatment. 😊😊😊
I also think it is only right to keep your GP informed as there could be implcations for other medications with other medical needs.....so best they know what you are taking.