Hi was wondering if anyone else has this. Since having my levothyroxine reduced from 125mg to 100mg as blood test was out of range at 0.1(0.2-4)and T4 19 I've had a feeling of my throat having something stuck., as if I've eaten and it hasn't gone down properly. Went to Dr with burning foot sensation. And she said it was nerve damage. She gave it a fancy name and she tested for diabetes and b12 deficiency but they came back fine. But thyroid wasn't. Although I've never felt as good as this in years.I've got to go back in 6 weeks for thyroid test again so maybe should just wait and see. Any advice would be appreciated . Thanks
Weird feeling in throat: Hi was wondering if... - Thyroid UK
Weird feeling in throat

Yes, I get that weird feeling in my throat as well, it's as if something is stuck. Trying to figure out what could be done about that.
Thanks Sharyj for replying. I've never had this before even though have underactive thyroid for 16 years.
You're welcome & right, same here De8813, this is a somewhat recent thing for me as well. I do know soy & gluten (amongst other things) need to be taken out of the lifestyle of eating & noticed that it (lump in throat, if you will) doesn't happen as much.
Will give it a try. Have stopped eating bread cos of IBS but never cut all gluten out. Thanks x

What is the range for your FT4?
Was your FT3 tested? If FT3 is in range you aren't overmedicated and don't need a dose reduction.
Burning feet syndrome can be a symptom of Hypothyroidism thyroiduk.org/tuk/about_the... listed under Pain.
Have you had thyroid antibodies tested?
Thank you SeasideSusie. Not had antibody checked. Just looked and no ft3 but TSH 0.1(0.30-6.00) sorry got that bit wrong
Free t4, 19(10.0-22.0)
And thanks for link. Dr gave me Amitriptyline 10mg which is helping me get to sleep but not releaving pain. Thanks x
Free t4, 19(10.0-22.0)
With that FT4 there was no way you should have had your dose reduced. How do you feel since your dose reduction? If you feel worse then ask for your dose to be put back to what it was and use the following information to support your request
thyroiduk.org.uk/tuk/about_... > Treatment Options:
"Dr Toft states in Pulse Magazine, "The appropriate dose of levothyroxine is that which restores euthyroidism and serum TSH to the lower part of the reference range - 0.2-0.5mU/l.
In this case, free thyroxine is likely to be in the upper part of its reference range or even slightly elevated – 18-22pmol/l. Most patients will feel well in that circumstance.
But some need a higher dose of levothyroxine to suppress serum TSH and then the serum-free T4 concentration will be elevated at around 24-28pmol/l.
This 'exogenous subclinical hyperthyroidism' is not dangerous as long as serum T3 is unequivocally normal – that is, serum total around T3 1.7nmol/l (reference range 1.0-2.2nmol/l)."
Dr Toft is past president of the British Thyroid Association and leading endocrinologist. You can obtain a copy of the article by emailing Dionne at tukadmin@thyroiduk.org
So if a dose reduction is suggested when FT4 is in range then say you want FT3 tested before agreeing. If they won't/can't do it then that is their problem, stick to your guns!
I would certainly ask for thyroid antibodies to be tested or even a scan to see if you have autoimmune thyroid disease (aka Hashimoto's) and that might possibly be connected with the feeling in your throat. There are two types - Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) and Thyroglobulin (TG).
As for the Amitriptyline for your burning feet, I think that's rather like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Rather than treat the symptoms, why is your GP not looking for the cause. Nutrient deficiencies should be looked at, in particular B12. We Hypos tend to have low levels of vitamins and minerals, even deficiencies, so ask for Vit D, B12, folate and ferritin to be tested.
Wow SeasideSusie thanks so much. You make me feel so much better already, thought it was me going nuts with silly symptoms. Will find out blood results. Thank you again.
Hi SeasideSusie so sorry I haven't got back to you sooner, but didn't have any blood results reading to give, as by B12 just said 'no action' with no readings at all. Ferritin and foliate were high in range must be from all the spinach I eat. Dr had already lowered my levothyroxine to 100mg so have been waiting for my next blood test which I've now had. Went to receptionist for print out but didn't get as she was busy but said TSH 2 . No ranges so will go back Monday when someone different is on and get them. I've printed the Pulse article you kindly told me about so have that to educate my Dr who hasn't the faintest idea about thyroid, which became apparent when she said about lowering my levo 'I think that's what it means'. Still got weird throat feeling along with chest tightness now and more aching joints so can't do my regular keep fit which is driving me mad as this is what has kept me sane these last few years. Sorry I'm going on a bit. Been looking after my husband as he is suffering PTSD along with severe depression after finding his father how committed suicide. Didn't get any help from doctor at first, a different one how has since retired, long story. Anyway feeling more emotional now than I was then. Trearing up at the slightest thing now. So got appointment on 6th to see Dr. Thanks again for ur help. Tears now typing this. Feel a wreck, got a feeling they will put it down to depression, when I know it's not. Will let u know how I get on. Thanks again. Going to take dog for walk to feel better. Xx
The range is likely to be the same for TSH as previously, the labs don't often change ranges. However, you can see yourself that your TSH has increased from 0.1 to 2 and that is a result of lowering your dose. BUT were the tests done under the same conditions, which they should be so that an accurate comparison can be made. Always best to have the first appointment of the day for blood draw, fast overnight and leave off Levo for 24 hours. TSH is highest early morning and lowers throughout the day, and eating lowers TSH. So for the highest possible TSH, to avoid a reduction in dose, fast overnight (water allowed) and book the first appointment of the morning. Taking Levo before a blood draw will give a false high FT4 as it will measure the thyroid hormone you recently took, so best take Levo after the blood draw.
Enjoy your walk, I always enjoy taking my dog out, I live a 5 minute walk from the beach and unless holiday makers are here it's lovely and quiet
I too get this sticking in the throat sensation. No idea what causes it. Does anyone else know? Been hypo for 2 years and receiving 125mg levo.
What was your result for B12? Dr's might think B12 is fine if low in NHS range but it might not make you feel well at the bottom of the range.
Hi i have had this aswell and i was told it is hashimotos sympton and can be a graves sympton, it comes and goes with me, before diagnosis of thyroid disease i had endoscopies, barium swallow xrays, ct scan, 2 larynoscopies and nothing all clear. I believe it is the thyroid possibly swelling and imflammed that is what ive been told by other members.😊😊
Thanks R Michelle, I was beginning to think it was all in my head. But feel better now knowing it's not just me. X
I've had exactly the same problem with my throat! I had an ultrasound of my neck which was all clear and a nasoendoscopy which showed that *maybe* I had a cyst on my vocal cords but they didn't seem too confident about that! I ended up at a speech therapy clinic and was given some exercises to help relax my vocal cords, the problem went away after those sessions but it could have just been coincidental! (Although the speech therapist did say it was a very common symptom of stress and I was super-stressed at the time!)
Yes I have this uncomfy throat as well ..I’ve had this for a few years but in the last few months I have another throat symptom and am Losing weight.. the throat just feels so strained, as well and the previous globuous feeling.. I also get croaky, it is nothing like sore throat you get before a cold...it started the end of last year, it’s dry and hurts and dry Senna tablets sometimes refused to swallow and it jumps right out ok mouth..I don’t feel I’ll and my dr is going to refer me to an ENT consultant. My bloods do not indicate problems and Levo is improving on th 50gsm and she doesn’t want to increase at this time.
It is particularly uncomfy on the right side of my throat my thyroid scan was clear..just one tiny nodule of no significance .. so I’ll see what happens next.
Hi De8813
I had that feeling in my throat, not on any medication yet (self medicating when I return from holiday) anyway I cut out lactose all together and it has improved no end.
I’m already gluten free.
Best wishes
Hi Peanut31 must be so hard to cut both from your diet. Will try gluten free first, don't think I can give up milk as well 😊 x