Well I finally realized I've been dealing with hyper elastic skin, which is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. I have the unexplained stretchmarks around my biceps. Anyways I also found out EDS patients are more prone to Chiari Malformations; basically because things in the body aren't held together as well as in healthy people. I looked at my MRI for a while, and consequently got bummed out because everything looked normal. Then I looked at normal spinal cords vs chiari malformed spinal cords. I am dealing with ringing in ears, loss of balance, difficulty swallowing. Which are all highly suspicious. Note the curvature in my spinal cord MRI and the Chiari. My MRI is shown above. The chiari vs normal is here google.com/search?q=chiari+... Go back and forth between my MRI, the normal, and the Chiari. Let me know what you guys think. The reason for concern with curvature, is that the spinal cord might be pushing on the base of the skull and increasing CSF pressure.
Chiari Malformation... I don't know anymore.. - Thyroid UK
Chiari Malformation... I don't know anymore..

What did the Consultant Radiologist 's report say? Have you discussed this with your Consultant yet? Was it your Neurologist who ordered the scan? What's that on the Right? Anything significant?
This was done 2 years ago. I got it done at some place in Minnesota that wasn't a hospital. The neurologist is the only one who looked at it to my knowledge. On the right? What do you mean. I'm just concerned about the area in between the spinal cord on the left. The normal image has space (for movement of CSF?). Mine appears to be bending around the base of the skull, or the tissue around it.

I suggest you try the Ehlers Danloss support forum:
This search is for all mentions of chiari across HealthUnlocked:
Yes, Thyroid UK has a few mentions, and it might be worth looking at the old posts. However in this case, I suspect other forums might have more experience.
Can I just add the tag?