I had RAI in July after trying and failing with block and replace (Graves) and Endo said this was the only way to go. At the moment on 100mcg Levothyroxine and the nurse said TSH and T4 normal even though I told her I feel dreadful, which means total exhaustion to the point of hardly functioning in the afternoons, feeling cold, dry skin, hair loss, you name it I seem to have it. I asked if I could trial some t3 along side some Levo and she said she could only refer me back to the Endo.
Then the news in the press they are to stop prescribing t3!! However I now have an appointment in January with the Endo, but not going to hold my breath about T3.
11/5/17 TSH 0.01 (0.27-4.2) T4 2.7 (12-22) T3 8 (3.1-6.8)
RAI - 3/7/17
10/8/17 TSH 0.69 (0.27-4.2) T4 10.0 (12-22) T3 not tested
21/9/17 TSH 9.25 (0.27-4.2) T4 13.4 (12-22) T3 not tested
2/11/17 TSH 1.15 (0.27-4.2) T4 20.7 (12-22) T3 not tested
So even though results show normal I still feel dreadful. Has anyone got T3 online that doesn't cost a fortune, and there is little chance of going abroad myself to get it. I see they can advertise on weight loss sites. Are these safe? Any help appreciated here.