Is Hashimotos \ Autoimmune Thyroiditis hereditary? and what is prevalence amongst siblings I.e. If I have Hashis what is the probability or likelihood that my brothers and sisters will also have Hashis?
Hashimotos \ Autoimmune Thyroiditis hereditary? - Thyroid UK
Hashimotos \ Autoimmune Thyroiditis hereditary?

I don't think it is necessarily hereditary. My mother and sister had Graves Disease but I had Hashimoto's and thyCa.
Maybe they could have their anti-bodies checked - and then you would know for sure It is my experience from reading that we inherit a pre-disposition to certain conditions. But hey we can change all that by the way we eat and the way we live. A tall order but not impossible !
My Mum had the autoimmune underactive thyroid, I have it, my two boys have it plus one of my my Mum's Brother's and one of my Cousins has it.
It seems to me that automimmune diseases tend to run in families. I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and my sister has bad Rheumatoid Arthritis.
My mother and grandmother both had lupus, my cousin has rheumatoid arthritis, and I have hashimotos and had a total thyroidectomy 6 months ago. So I think it’s definitely heriditary.
There is a genetic link, but I've not seen a statistic. It is more likely for a female relative to have it than a male relative though.
It's worth making relatives aware of the symptoms, and if they start to display any of them, they can get tested.
Thank you. My sister is hyperthyroid, however I don’t know if it’s as a result of Hashimotos or something else.
I have auto immune hyperthyroidism and there are no thyroid or auto immune diseases in my family so I’m unsure if it is always genetic.
I think there is a some sort of a link for sure. My mom has hypothyroid and alopecia, her sister has celiac disease, 2 of my cousins have thyroid issues as well and my grandmother's sister also had thyroid problems, all from my maternal side. Also, the females from my dad's side all grew a goiter. I have not been diagnosed yet (in the process of getting more blood tests done, but got tested for positive thyroid antibodies last time plus I have all the classic symptoms and was also diagnosed with postpartum thyroiditis that I feel like has now turned into hashi's.). I also suffered from gestational diabetes which has some sort of a link to thyroid too.