Hi, was just wondering, does anyone struggle to finish there food and get very full up quickly and bloated with hypothyroidism?
Appetite : Hi, was just wondering, does anyone... - Thyroid UK

Suggest you ask for full testing for coeliac, plus vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12
Do you have Hashimoto's (raised antibodies)
B12 was fine last time I checked, folate was just in range but low, never had Vit D tested as my doctors don’t do it, also had my antibodies tested they were fine, I feel like I should probably do a Endoscopy
B12 range is very wide. With Thyroid issues we often need to at top of range. B12 and folate work together so if folate is low then suggests isssues
Ferritin should be tested, so should vitamin D
For full evaluation you ideally need TSH, FT4, FT3, TT4, TPO and TG antibodies, plus vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 tested
See if you can get full thyroid and vitamin testing from GP. Unlikely to get FT3
Private tests are available
Medichecks Thyroid plus ultra vitamin or Blue Horizon Thyroid plus eleven are the most popular choice. DIY finger prick test or option to pay extra for private blood draw. Both companies often have money off offers.
All thyroid tests should be done as early as possible in morning and fasting and don't take Levo in the 24 hours prior to test, delay and take straight after. This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results
So you don’t think the thyroid issue itself could be the course?
Literally had it for like a year now
Yes it's very likely, but GP won't diagnose or medicate
You know your hypo.
Email Thyroid UK for list of recommended thyroid specialists dionne.fulcher@thyroidUK.org
When hypo we get very often get low stomach acid. This impairs the way the gut works, reduces vitamins and causes gluten intolerance and leaky gut
Poor gut function can lead leaky gut (literally holes in gut wall) this can cause food intolerances. Most common by far is gluten
According to Izabella Wentz the Thyroid Pharmacist approx 5% with Hashimoto's are coeliac, but over 80% find gluten free diet helps significantly. Either due to direct gluten intolerance (no test available) or due to leaky gut and gluten causing molecular mimicry (see Amy Myers link)
But don't be surprised that GP or endo never mention gut, gluten or low vitamins. Hashimoto's is very poorly understood
Changing to a strictly gluten free diet may help reduce symptoms, help gut heal and slowly lower TPO antibodies
Low stomach acid can be an issue
Lots of posts on here about how to improve with Apple cider vinegar or Betaine HCL
Other things to help heal gut lining
Bone broth
Importance of magnesium
I lack appetite and fill up quickly but I don't bloat. Try frequent small meals rather than one or two large meals. You could try 100% gluten-free diet for a few weeks to see whether bloating improves.
I do but have b12 deficiency think this is common.gravy dinners are easiest....