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I'm new here, just want to know others experience of being menopausal and having a under active thyroid

emmaboultwood profile image
11 Replies


I'm 46, I have an under active thyroid and an autoimmune disease. I had a miscarriage about two years ago my meds were raised from 125mg to 150mg levothryoxine the pregnancy failed but they kept my meds the same. A month ago I had a regular blood test and was told that I was being slightly over medicated (but they are keeping me on it) but was menopausal and given 75 Everol patches and had a mirena coil fitted. Since the miscarriage I have put nearly over a stone and a half on. I don't know anyone else that is menopausal and has a under active thyroid. I've just stuck the patch on and I'm questioning if I'm doing the right thing. I feel so flat and unmotivated at the mo, the thought of making myself feel worse is unbearable. Does anyone have any advice?

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11 Replies
fluffyhat profile image


I'm so sorry hear that you ' ve had such a rough time over the last couple of yrs. I don't know if my experience will be helpful. I am 50. I've been taking levo for 5 yrs. 2 yrs ago I had hysterectomy which induced menopause and I have used evorel 50 patches until last month ( as I have no womb I did not require progesterone but you would indeed need progesterone hence your mIrena coil ). The Hrt worked very well until recently when I gained 2 kgs,extreme fatigue, joint pains, diarrhoea, panic attacks etc. My thyroid results were in theory good ie my TSH was 0.15, with T4 of 14 but I felt hypothyroid. I then discovered that their can be ( not for all) an interaction with levo and HRT - oestrogen can effect the absorption of levo (tho this is thought to be less with the patches). To further muddy the picture a women's thyroid blood results can look " normal " on HRT but a women can slowly but surely be becoming hypothyroid - this is because the Hrt interferes with converting the inactive T4 to the active T3, T3 is the form our bodies can use - but as GPs rarely test T3 they reassure that all is well because the TSH and T4 are fine. So in a bid to try anything to feel better I stopped the patches. I have had no menopausal symptoms (tho bear in mind I'm a wee bit neare menopause age) and I am taking my levo in the night (empty stomach ) and on advice of Seasidesusie I'm now supplementing 200mcgs selenium. It has been 4 weeks and I tho I am not back to where I was I can feel already that my baseline trend is def improving, joint pain, stiffness, loose stools gone, energy levels improving and I'm noticing my midriff subsiding. It has to be an individual decision , only you know how you feel .

emmaboultwood profile image
emmaboultwood in reply to fluffyhat

Thanks so much for taking the time to respond and share your experience. Yeah I'm getting that reading though everyone's thread not one size fits all. It's all so complicated and I never seem to get a clear understanding. As you have I would probably remove the patch too. Do you know why you were given evorel 50 rather than another dosage?

I always take my levo in the morning, I'm interested to know why you changed it to evenings? I used to take selenium too, I def need to do a bit of reading again. Overhauling my diet wouldn't go a miss too.

Thanks for your time again, I think like you have I need to be proactive at getting well. I'm glad you are beginning to feel the benefit of the changes you have made!

fluffyhat profile image
fluffyhat in reply to emmaboultwood


I started on evorel 25 which didn't completely supress menopause symotoms but the 50 patch did.. I dI'd briefly try the 75 but gave me migraines and sore bosoms so went back to the 50. But we are all unique biochemical little beings!! The Hrt was a godsend at the time as the I was only getting about 2 hours sleep at night and it wasn't compatible with work etc. I have been pleasantly surprised how little symptoms I have had since stopping but I wold js highlight that I am nearly 51 which is the average age of menopause and that you are younger than I am so you have more to gain so to speak. You mentioned that you used to take selenium, did you stop for any particular reason or just got out of habit ? I hope you re able to find a way to better health and there is a wealth of sound helpful advice here on diet and supplements too.

I changed the timing of levo as for max benefit needs to be taken on empty stomach and should avoid eating/ drinking (other than cold water) for an hour after...before I would take it first thing then 2 mins later wash it down with 3 cups of tea with milk, not so good !!

All the best .


emmaboultwood profile image
emmaboultwood in reply to fluffyhat


Thanks, yeah just stopped out of habit really and at the time I was eating super healthy - I just remember feeling I didn't need it, I felt really well. However, my diet is really not the best at the moment, I'm def going to take selenium again. Thanks for the advice re the timings I'm going to change it to evenings too.

Thanks again for sharing your experiences, really appreciate it. Its been a really good motivator to take control again.

Take care

trelemorele profile image

Hey Emma

Consider yourself lucky you got prescribed hrt.

I hit early menopause at 39 I'm 43 now, with all and really severe symptoms and I was refused HRT.

Long story short I'm taking privately obtained combined pill and couldn't be happier. 😃😃😃

I wouldn't blame HRT on gaining weight.

I'd look at your bloods for thyroid to see if there is room for improvement.

emmaboultwood profile image
emmaboultwood in reply to trelemorele


No I don't blame HRT for gaining weight I've only just put the patch on. I guess it's all about perspective isn't, HRT was the only option given, sorry to hear that you were refused it, but I'm glad to hear that your feeling happy now!

My bloods have just been done thanks -I'm being slightly over medicated so maybe they will change my meds after my next blood test in January.

Thanks for your response

trelemorele profile image
trelemorele in reply to emmaboultwood

Hey Emma

You don't have to take HRT if you don't want to.

If you have no symptoms or low or consider yourself to be more "with nature".

I always knew if the time comes symptoms or not I will be taking HRT. But unfortunately I did have bad symptoms so it was no brainer for me.

Once you got you bloods please post them on here. Clever people will advise you if you're over or under medicated.

From my experience doctors tend to tell people they're over medicated when in fact they're not.

So worth seeing what other on here with experience will tell you.

emmaboultwood profile image
emmaboultwood in reply to trelemorele


Yep, I've got severe symptoms so to me it does seem logical to take it. Thanks for the advice yeah I will post my results on here, I need to ask my doctor next time I go in for them.

Thanks again.

trelemorele profile image
trelemorele in reply to emmaboultwood

Your symptoms should improve within a week and disappear within a month.

That's from my experience.

I can post all my symptoms starting from severity if you want. There were about 30. All were gone after a month.

So please stick with the patches for at least one month and I bet you you'll see improvement!

milupa profile image

Hi - I (53) cannot advise but share my experience. Several hormones can be converted into other hormones by the body and it is impossible to predict the pathways. I have tried all types of estrogen, felt awful every time and put on weight immediately. Progesterone works for me, as well as a minute amount of testosterone. A tiny dab of estradiol cream applied vaginally has recently improved sleep and dryness.

Some women are estrogen dominant even when all hormone levels are low. Adrenal hormones play an important role as well...

When hot flashes reappear I turn to red clover or a traditional chinese remedy given by my acupunturist.

So, a lot of trial and error and possibly private blood or saliva tests. Good luck!

emmaboultwood profile image
emmaboultwood in reply to milupa


Thanks for sharing your experience- really appreciate it. The feeling awful and gaining weight is not desirable is it! Glad you found something that suits you, I wasn't aware of all the options available.

I would def consider other options if this didn't work out. I'm learning so much!

Thanks again

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