Scottish parliament debate thyroid issues my op... - Thyroid UK

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Scottish parliament debate thyroid issues my opinion !!!

jackiehyland profile image
6 Replies

I watched another Scottish thyroid debate last night it was very informative and I think this one could make a big difference ! It sounds like it's down to jeremy hunt who doesn't want to know and is equally interested he can stop Concordia making T3 medication so expensive 6000%profit they are making on a life saving drug for women who should not be denied medication to improve their health or even make them feel half human, I recently joined the ITT face book page they were unable show my comment due to the fact it was biased against men "it's not a man's problem" it's a man's desicion to put a stop to this outrage but he won't he has probably got shares in Concordia as I've said before it's CORRUPTION at the highest level and I also wouldn't be surprised if he is allowing this to happen to collapse the n.h.s .would be interesting to find out if these politicians do have private shares in these multi-million conglomerate corporations should be investigated if you ask me why should they be beyond reproach just because of who they are. He goes on tv pretending he cares he doesn't care at all ! Thyroid problems are not going away we have generations of women who havnt even been born yet who will have these problems when are they going to sit up and listen replace Hunt he is useless and doesn't listen...

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6 Replies
marsaday profile image

Lots of men of thyroid issues as well. Women are more effected thanks to your higher levels of estrogen. This is the main reason why more women have this issue. Estrogen is a bad hormone if you want to frame it that way.

High levels clog up the liver where we do a lot of the conversion, so men are not as exposed to this issue.

The NHS is an organisation which is not fit for purpose. anyone can see this and throwing more money will not improve things. There needs to be change and if this involves moving more towards a private model then great.

For example; why can't we have the choice the go to our local GP and pay for some extra blood tests. We can't because the system is not geared up for this. The price for blood tests would be much cheaper than having to go through one of the internet companies, plus you wouldn't need to travel so far.

We need to really look and think about the type of health service we want in this country. Lets give the politicians some alternative ideas instead of shouting not to touch the NHS.

I think we should develop a credit type system where we are given credits each year for health treatment. In your first 20 years you are unlikely to need the services that much and so you build up the credits like a pension. As you age you can draw on these credits and top them up. I imagine not many people would go to the GP with a cold under this system.

If you have a major illness when young or have an abnormality at birth then these issues would be catered for with a special credit fund.

There are lots of solutions and we need them because the NHS is crap as a HEALTH service. It is excellent as a reactionary emergency service. But we want to have a HEALTH service aimed at improving the citizens health because longer term this is cheaper and better for society.

Management of a thyroid issue comes firmly under the HEALTH bracket and is chronically ignored, so patients can sicker and become a bigger drain on the system.

jackiehyland profile image
jackiehyland in reply to marsaday

Yeah that's an excellent idea but if it doesn't make them money remember there not making medicine to cure people they make it to alleviate symptoms and medicines with side effects makes them even more cash so they profit on long term medications like ours ! For example I have 3 different inhalers, 2 boxes of zapain, 200mg levothyroxine,blood pressure medication,aspirin,, and I refuse to take Statins ! When levothyroxine the so called wonder drug was first introduced they said you would only have to dose once a day as levothyroxine was absorbed slowly and lasted longer as opposed to the old medication that you took again later on what rubbish I seem to spend all day taking medication because I have to alleviate symptoms you probably do too they are liars and there no better than drug dealers who sell dodgy gear except they can do it legally and make a lot more money . I've just had a post deleted by someone called kitti on another site she didn't like my comments apparently they were biased against men think she misses the point if you can't have an opinion why have a site ? The fact remains those who can make changes won't and there all men dealing with a condition they know nothing about ignoring scientific proof that the current medication and TSH blood tests are not good enough to properly treat hypothyroidism !!! Jesus I think if they could get away with giving us half an xray they would lol .yeah I'm passed off sick of fighting but all those who still can should and all the campaigners worth their weight in gold

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to marsaday

I think we should develop a credit type system where we are given credits each year for health treatment. In your first 20 years you are unlikely to need the services that much and so you build up the credits like a pension. As you age you can draw on these credits and top them up. I imagine not many people would go to the GP with a cold under this system.

My parents would have been paying for health treatment for me from the age of 3, because I would have used up my credits.

With any kind of credit system for health the big problem with it is that sick people earn less and need more credits. So, how are the lower paid sick people supposed to afford healthcare?

Also, what happens when doctors fail to find the cause of problems. You go back and you go back and you go back, begging for help for whatever is wrong with you, each visit to GP or hospital costing money. When they finally find what is wrong do you get a refund for the years of dismissal or incompetence? Of course you wouldn't. Patients would be expected to just suck it up or sue. And who can afford to sue doctors?

jackiehyland profile image
jackiehyland in reply to humanbean

I've always thought they won't let the cat of the bag because it only takes one person and a bloody good solicitor Concordia would have one hell of a law suit against them the flood gates would open they would be ruined especially after the statistics of every five women out of fifty have an untreated or under treated thyroid condition and one day someone will,I mean if you can sue for misdiagnosed conditions doesn't our condition meet that criteria ? I think so and what's worse ours is a life sentence and not to mention the years that have passed that we can't get back it astonished me that we have to fight for medication just to feel half normal .

jackiehyland profile image
jackiehyland in reply to marsaday

I posted on another site that this levothyroxine saga goes well beyond the fact that they know it doesn't work everyone that has a defective thyroid have been through and discussed every scenario of why they won't budge on the subject we all now know there are other medications available 1st point doctor has a budget 2 if they start prescribing it everyone will want it blood tests cost money 3 doctors don't understand the complexities of it all and don't have the time and 4 I truly believe when levothyroxine first appeared it obviously wasn't tested properly and was manufactured as a cheaper alternative by the drug company pharma and I'm betting for the business of the n.h.s they were given as a sweetner as they are mass produced and cost pennies to make and that's why hypothyroid patients get free prescriptions for life ! Well you know how fiercely this topic is safeguarded and protected by the drug company's think all other big corporate companies have shares in big pharma also and the government are sitting back letting it happen after all if we don't reach retirement age they don't have to pay us a state pension either so there's plenty of money saved there too !!! So that's why I don't think anyone is getting anywhere. The information and irrefutable evidence that the current medication and nonsensical tsh tests are pointless but still they are reluctant to change the medication this just spells out one big word. CORRUPTION

marigold22 profile image

I am now fully recovered from Hashimotos Thyroiditis after nearly 40 years of suffering so so badly, including two psychiatrists, umpteen endocrinologists, three Professors of Endocrinology. Only with this site and copious amounts of reading have I fully recovered. I have studied law in the past (couldn't pass all my exams as I was so ill), and I sit and daydream nowadays about all the lawsuits I could bring. My son was brought up with a depressed and sometimes suicidal mother, who couldn't laugh, couldn't take him out. So it affected him too. I would just love to find a Pro Bono QC who would take on the pharmaceuticals, the Minister of Health, the NHS, et al. But it won't happen.... just a day dream :-)

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