Years of getting no where and being told I was depressed, Fibro, ME etc. I have now been taking T3 only myself. I had to arrange my own supply. Although I am now not sure why the doctors have not offered it to me. When I feel well enough to hold a thought I will be asking them why in 6 years it has not been mentioned.
I do feel better, but I know there is a long way to go to see if this is the final solution. I am going to go and see the doctor soon to see if he can prescribe T3 for me. He cannot say that it will not work, if I have tried and proved that it does.
Do any of the people on this forum that live in France know what the options are, re brands and tablet sizes and any recommendations. Just in case (!) I have a choice.
Can a GP prescribe here. Even the Endo's have never mentioned it as being on a list of options.
So any information would be gratefully received.