Recently tested for hyper thyroidism and results were (tsh-7.18). Is this a dangerous range? Should i see a doc immediately?
Is this a dangerous tsh level? : Recently tested... - Thyroid UK
Is this a dangerous tsh level?

You are not trying to say minus 7.18, are you? A tsh of 7.18 would surely denote hypo not hyperthyroid. I wouldn't call it dangerous but you must be having some sort of symptoms and must be the reason you had blood tests. What else did they test?
No, the normal ranges were between 0.35-5. something! How come its hypo? I didn't consult a doc yet! I jus took a test from a thyro lab!
When TSH rises to higher numbers, your pituitary is requesting MORE thyroid hormone from your thyroid gland. If you begin a treatment with NDT or T4, the pituitary gland will lower your TSH since you are meeting the requirement.
Oh I thought higher level indicates hyper! No wonder I'm an idiot! thanks! i should consult a doc this week! Is 7.18 Hypo a serious thing? Is it fatal?
No, I think mine was 52 before I found someone to diagnose it.
Are you going to have antibody tests. The usual problem for women is an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto's. But this is an autoimmune condition and it is helpful to find out what triggered this in you. Have you had mono or gastic problems?
actually im asking for my mum! She has some gastic probs! Yes
Would your mum try to learn about her condition and perhaps make some lifestyle changes? Gluten can be a cause, or even dairy. Insulin resistance has awful effects as well. Tell her she is welcome to express concerns here and many people will be happy to help her. This website answers many questions.
It's very nice of you to be helping your mum.
No actually I'm not from england! My mum is Portuguese! She cant speak English! so here i am askin for my mum! and she is the only one i have all got. after my dad's gone, she is alone taking care of me,and I'm so worried about her now! i hate these hormonal diseases!
Hi Matt, you didn't say how old your MUM is? TSH is such a lousy test for hypo or hyper thyroid. I would see to it that she gets Free thyroxine (T4) and Free Triiodothyronine(T3) tested. Some people's pituitary gets lazy, especially as we age. And a slightly high TSH may mean she is very hypothyroid. Many people I have talked o have had much higher TSH levels, some over 100! But I am the other end of the spectrum, my pituitary is partially inactive so my TSH never goes above >.5.
I'm sorry to hear that! And my mum is 47.she never been on meds since the symptoms started to appear!
That could be my problem. How do you find out if you pituitary gland is dodgy? I think mine has gone to sleep. My TSH is always suppressed on meds and reducing makes no difference to it. Endo keeps reducing my dose so I feel really tired. Just gone back onto NDT. My TSH never went above 5 either but the late Dr S diagnosed me.
it depends on the person. Many people feel ill when their TSH is over 3, while others have no symptoms when TSH is in double figures. If you have symptoms (most usual ones are feeling cold, feeling tired, weight gain and constipation, but bad memory and anxiety are also common - there are about 300 symptoms), you should see a doctor as untreated hypothyroidism can be fatal - although it usually takes a few years to kill you.
Omg! Fatal?
Not these days if treated - even in the 1890s it took 10 years to kill you and most people weren't diagnosed until they had severe dementia and mobiity problems, so call that 20 years. But untreated hypo dies cause heart diease and what looks like dementia, so it needs to be treated at some point.
Yes it can be. When I was 40, the doctors gave me less than a year to live. I had congestive heart failure, and they said there as nothing more they could do. After a week of serious studying on the internet and especially heart sites with thyroid in the mix. It seems when T3 is bottomed out as mine was, the heart CAN'T pump blood efficiently. Thus my legs filled with fluid, I couldn't lie down & put my feet up as that caused the fluid to run to my chest and suddenly I couldn't breath. So I hunted for a fluid pill that wouldn't kill me with dehydration and low electrolytes. his STOOPID doctor, the last time I saw him, says,"My your heart is looking good today! Your pulse is 45 which is considered an athlete's pulse"... REALLY??
That was when I got bold with T3. And here I am 23 years AFTER I was given a year to live.
What a testimonial for T3. My neighbor died recently with those exact symptoms. I tried to get her to try for better thyroid treatment. She had a close call three years ago but this time it did her in. She was too attached to her doctor to believe anyone else.
I(f you look at the studies, They have been using T3 in HEART surgeries for quite a few years now. Even with people withou obvious hypo
I actually found a study stating T3 should be given to heart failure patients but she died the next day. I'm sure her relatives did not bring it up to her doctors. And do you get a doctor to listen anyway.
And yes, I read an article and the doctor thinks EVERYONE should be on T3. That might be a little radical but it does show that it has value for many people.
Funny, the only doctor I go to that doesn't POO POO me when I tell him the amazing benefits I get from T3. It is my Cardiologist. I have begged him ti think about Endocrinology as a second specialty!
The doctor I followed online was so brilliant yet lost his license because he was keeping his patients healthy (
Another female doctor in a podcast recommended any doctor to let their license slide if they wanted to leave the practice. She said the drugs she had to prescribe were killing her patients but if she didn't prescribe enough she would be investigated. I tend to believe her and doctors are somehow caught in this bind.
Yay T3!
You are funny… And I am dying over here not from laughter, but from suffering I wish you all the best
are you being sarcastic or for real? dying from what?
Oh, A little of both I guess… Perhaps being overly dramatic but kind of just laughing at the moment. My blood work shows that I'm under treated for a thyroid disorder I have a B 12 deficiency but I am over toxic level with iron so I'm just trying to figure it all out. xx Jill
She hasn't had an exam or a diagnosis yet so the only information was a TSH test they did on their own.
free t3 level is 2.59pg/ml.
free t4 level is 1.04 ng/dl
tsh 3rd generation (hs tsh) is 7.18 IU/ml
You need to provide the ranges ,which are shown in brackets as different laboratories have different ranges .It is difficult for people to advise without them. In UK treatment is rare if TSH is under 10, but some countries treat at over3.
It is also important to know the antibodies to diagnose Hashimotos.
I suggest you start a new post with the information listed above by Really fed up.
Have you got the ranges Matt? In brackets usually
Example ft3 2.59 (2.5-6) just an example is our parent website and a great place to start learning about the thyroid, see how many other symptoms your Mum has.
Please don't worry, it means medication for life but once correctly dosed and all vitamins and minerals optimum your Mum will be fine. Read and learn and go to Doctors with her if you can
Mine is currently 42 and I’m still alive. 😉
Mine is 150 and I'm doing a ok myself
No it's not dangerous, at it's highest mine has been over 150 (the labs stop counting after 150 so it's most likely higher) but if there are other symptoms that are worsening could always get another blood test or speak to a doctor.
It is dangerous if not treated. Before thyroid hormones were discovered, hypothyroidism was a leading cause of madness (dementia - ending up in the loony bin to be laughed at), heart failure and death.
Matt2908 Depending on your mother's age, that might be perceived as within range by her doctors rather than hypothyroid.
As above, you might wish to consider some additional tests if she has symptoms that concern her or you.
Mine was 10.5 on diagnosis in 2012. After a year on does of 50 units levothyroxine a day it was around 5 and I’ve since been on 75 units and between 2 and 4 on subsequent twice yearly TSH tests. I was only tested because of diagnosis of diabetes (type 2). Unless you have blatant symptoms and problems your GP (physician) isn’t going to ask for you to be tested!
Hi Matt to sum it up for you, a beginner.
Your mum is 47 young and has a tsh of over 7.
This is not to worry about ,it is in no way life threatening.
(Mine was up to 30 once, and I still did not feel that bad.)
But it points to a Thyroid desease that can be diagnosed .
For this insist your doctor does the following tests
You need th test for
free T4
free T3, as well as
2 antibodys,
. then come back soon and let us know .
So far you will surely live.
If your doctor does not wish to do these basic tests, leave the room.
If you find a nice doc ,that does ,
ask him for testing of Vit D3 and a full iron panel.
On your second round. which should be 2 months later.
Hey thanks babsi for your help! That was so so so helpful and supportive! My mum will appreciate this! hope you have a finest days ahead. love from goa!
Goa ? really? say hello !
India has good clinics for family planning, this is where you get all the tests for nothing mutch. Ask first!
yes! it's very cheap here and free sometimes. especially in government health cares
I know, 25 cent a shot of tetanus, but this is not the forum tu love goa or kerala. Your mum may profit from an arjuveda treatment, but not in goa,That is rip off. Kerala . Shantigiri clinics I can recommend. Ernakulam , cochi anywhere there.