I have graves. I am feeling bad tempered, for no reason, miserable again for no reason. Normally when I get the rage it's over in a flash. I can't seem to be able to shift it. Everywhere is too busy too noisy etc. Anyone else had this?
Feeling down: I have graves. I am feeling bad... - Thyroid UK
Feeling down

Hi, I'm sorry you're feeling down. When I was hyper I was so unhappy! Very irritable and could get upset over the slightest thing and wasn't able to recover very well from it time-wise so I suppose that is similar. I cried a lot. Also very anxious about anything and everything. I was okay with general noise in the day but a loud noise would really unsettle me. The slightest thing at night when I was dropping off would make me jump awake, cause palpitations and have me awake for hours afterwards which drove me to distraction. My sleep was terrible. It's no fun, is it? When I was given Carbimazole I was like a different person. Stuff just didn't upset me, I was sort of smoothed out and calmed. We really are at the mercy of our hormones... Are you on medication at the moment?
Thanks for that Rocca. Originally I was on 30mg Carbimazole and it has recently been reduced to 10mg. I am wondering if the dose is a bit low🤔my sleep is awful I wake every two hours. I also suffer from seasonal affective disorder and the weather lately has been horrible . Maybe that doesn't help. Still waiting for blood results from the hospital appointment nearly 3 weeks ago. Hopefully this will all just pass and will feel better tomorrow . 😊
It would be informative to get those latest blood results back, wouldn't it? Would it be worth chasing them via your GP surgery? I don't know how things work but my endo certainly seemed to be able to pull up on the computer very recent blood results done at the GP surgery so presumably it works the other way round too (prepared to stand corrected though). My hospital letters always take ages to come through but if I ring the GP surgery the thyroid results are generally in within 48 hours. I would chase by three weeks just in case anything has gone astray, especially if you are feeling down and sleeping badly.
I hope you feel better tomorrow and I agree about seasons and weather for affecting mood. I love a sunny day; the hotter the better. And for the Vitamin D!
Hi Purple64. Your symptoms do sound quite hyper, but without the results, it's difficult to be sure whether it's as a result of the lower dose of carbimazole. I'm still on a high dose, but sometimes have a run of days where I can feel the symptoms coming back - this is typically when I've got over- tired. There isn't a quick fix.
In my case, it seems to sort itself out after a couple of days, so perhaps get plenty of rest, eat well, and keep pushing for the test results (although you'd expect the endo to have seen them by now, and called you back in if they were worrying).
Hope you feel better.
Thank you Valarian. I did feel better this morning. Maybe it's the adjustment to a lower dose it was only changed about 4 weeks ago🤔 I will ring the surgery tomorrow to see if the results are back. Brain is telling me to get on and do things body is saying nah don't bother. Hate this 😡 When I was first diagnosed in April this year I thought oh well just get on with it ha how naive was I 🙄 Not that easy!!!!