Overheating: Hi all, hoping to find someone else... - Thyroid UK

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Cinness profile image
12 Replies

Hi all, hoping to find someone else who is going through what I am. I'm age 61, live in the U.S. and find myself frustrated with doctors telling me it is "just menopause" and my only choices are estrogen replacement (did no good), or over the counter supplements or wait for it to pass. It has been 9 years since my hysterectomy. The first few years weren't that bad. But, in the past 6 years my overheating and sweating have continued to get worse to the point that I feel like I will go insane before this "passes". There are times my head sweats so bad it soaks every strand of hair and I look like I just put my head under a faucet. It is embarrassing. My husband cannot sleep with me because I radiate heat so bad and then soak the bed with sweat every single night, usually more than once per night. I can't remember the last time I got more than 4 hours of sleep a night. My general health has gone downhill. I am overweight (I used to be active but who wants to move when simply taking a shower makes me sweat bullets!!), and now take pills for depression/anxiety, GERD, diabetes, and high cholesterol. Any hope for me???

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Cinness profile image
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12 Replies
silverfox7 profile image

I've been put on oestrogen blockers after breast cancer and have had aural acupuncture. I was offered a course of 4 but I didn't feel any benefit till week three which turned out to be normal so I did another course and that worked very well. I had 5 needles in each ear and hardly felt a thing and then left with soothing music for 30-45 minutes when they were taken out. Give it a try if you can.

Loobs39 profile image

Oh you poor thing - it sounds miserable. I too am 61 and have been through (still going through!!) the menopause - I still get flushes but decreasing now. I cannot offer any advice - I am sure someone else on here will - just sympathy and a hug x

madge1979 profile image


It sounds very like I was till two years ago

I was in the same situation permanent sweating head to toe every hour of every day ... fir many years

my doctor told me it was menopause even when I still had my periods ....

I was in a dreadful state with it and other symptoms .. went privately to a dermatologist with a sweat rash On my body ... Which started to spread to my face ... I was practically on my knees by that time .... With severe anxiety and lack of sleep and muscle pain ..

She asked me how long I'd had it and when I said ... years .. she exclaimed ... you have a Thyroid disease !!!! And I'm going to write to your doctor now to tell him so !!

Oh my God .. I was so pleased someone had recognised it !

As my doctor had fobbed me off for years ..

He was not pleased At the dermatologist for telling him his job ... and reluctantly took my bloods ... they came back ... Graves' disease Positive !!!!!

But at last I knew what my Hellish symptoms were all about

Maybe that is what's wrong with you ... your Thyroid Gland is responsible for your Metabolism and it sounds like yours .. has gone a bit off course , as mine was !

But after treatment ... and importantly , a bit of self help with supplementing my immune system , I AM NOW EUTHYROID ! I.e. ..Normal

And I love being that way again

Luv mx🌹

madge1979 profile image


forgot to say ... as soon as I had a diagnosis I was put on anti Thyroid medication Carbimazole .... and the sweating stopped immediately!!! Mx🌹

ZoBo profile image
ZoBo in reply to madge1979

yes thats what happens. much worse than the symptoms of the menopause

humanbean profile image

I would ask for your thyroid to be checked, and also for some of your basic nutrients to be checked - iron and ferritin, vitamin B12, folate and vitamin D.

I was very low in iron, and below optimal in several other nutrients. When I started treating my low levels my sweating problems became less severe. I do still sweat from my head occasionally, and like you I can sometimes look like I've stuck my head under a tap, but it doesn't happen so often now as it used to.

If your thyroid is okay, and you manage to optimise your nutrients, then you might want to consider testing your cortisol levels via a saliva test (blood tests for cortisol are rarely helpful).

Since you live in the US, are you aware that you can get blood tests done without insurance and without needing a doctor to agree to the test?

Look about half way down this page for details :


Iphoenix profile image

Hi Cinness,

I am 57 and seem to be going through something very familiar to you. I have no idea where I am on the menopause cycle as I started it in 2010 (8 years after my hysterectomy) but my hot flushes now are definitely different to what they were. Like you my head is dripping wet and I also suffer from the groin and my feet getting wet but I don't soak the bed every night. I do get woken up by hot sweating but luckily it goes fairly quickly.

I have asked the doctor for medication to help me with different tablets for acid reflux (I take Lansaprazole and one of the side effects is excessive sweating) but the ones I was given gave me acid reflux in no time at all.

Yesterday my partner saw a you tube add or something (he can't remember) that said have 4 glasses of water in the morning as soon as you wake up and do not eat or drink anything else for an hour. I thought well I can't eat or drink anything else after taking my levothyroxine tablet so I will give it a go and this was to aid my epilepsy/memory plus bladder problems.

Honestly and truthfully I had 4 whisky tumbler size glasses of water this morning and it was a real struggle to finish them but I promise you I have not had one hot flush today AT ALL!!!

i am totally amazed as I was not expecting this at all. I have looked at several articles on the internet today and some say do not drink too much in the morning as it can be harmful. The closest amount of water that it was safe to drink was 4 x 160ml glasses and I am sure this would be easier than the amount I did. It is worth starting low and working up some more if you feel the need.

It is very definitely worth trying because you never know what else it might have a positive effect on! Good luck.


ZoBo profile image
ZoBo in reply to Iphoenix

sounds like over active thyroid to me

madge1979 profile image
madge1979 in reply to Iphoenix

I'm sure that water treatment is a great idea .. and as you say could have great effects in many internal issues .. and it's a regime worth sticking to anyway .. but it appears that Cinness has other problems going in ... and it could very well be a Thyroid problem ... sounds Very like a HYPERThyroid problem and if it is .... no amount of water would rectify it without medical help

......And if it is ...it should be investigated so that meds can be given to lower the Thyroid activity


Cinness profile image

Thank you to everyone for the replies!! So wonderful to know I'm not alone. And that there is HOPE!!

Cinness profile image

Well, I have news!

Maybe I should've started a new thread? Bear with me.. I'm new here!

I spent all day at the E.R. last Friday with horrible upper abdominal pain, burning stomach, heartburn, pain radiating along ribs and into my back. It had been 3 days, 2 nights (no sleep whatsoever)...took 2 hours for my name to be called. I had been fasting (and no water) for 9 hours at that point, hoping they'd want to scope me right then but they didn't. They gave me a wonderful "G.I. cocktail" of liquid antacid mixed with Lidocaine! It immediately reduced the pain. Drew blood, did ultrasound and EKG (to rule out heart). Said most likely ulcer &/or esophagus erosion from years of GERD, told me double my dose of the PPI I take (Omeprazole). Feeling "ok", certainly not great.... in 3 days scopes! Blood tests: Peroxidase Antibody (30)!... but.... because TSH is "normal" at 2.26 (though June was 1.39), they consider me not in need of treatment "at this time". What do you think?

And had thyroid ultrasound (at my prompting - Dr. asked me if I ever got in to see the psychiatrist I was going to visit!! lol) .... told her I had nodules found 7 years ago at time of my hysterectomy and I wonder if they should be looked at again. "Oh well ok, guess we could do that, just to put your mind at ease" she says. After getting the results, they have now scheduled me to have the nodules "fine needle aspiration" biopsied Oct. 5. Anybody else? Is it painful??

And, does anyone else deal with diabetes AND acid reflux? That's a tough one trying to figure out what to eat!!

I feel like a real MESS!!


Cinness profile image

Update again: right thyroid nodule showed abnormal cells and "suspicious" is the word used. See end this Friday, probably surgery. I'm scared. My appointment is at the cancer clinic. 😧

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