My T3 has been stopped today: My visit to my Endo... - Thyroid UK

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My T3 has been stopped today

10 Replies

My visit to my Endo was very disappointing today he can't prescribe anymore has been told to not prescribe it.. I'm hoping I'll get my months supply from gp today so please can anyone advise where I can buy from? just as I started to feel normal again bit of a body blow

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10 Replies
Clutter profile image


Did your endo say who had instructed him to stop prescribing T3?

in reply to Clutter

Hi Clutter no he didn't he just said that he warned his patients a couple of months a go that this would happen i last saw him in May he prescribed it then plus my gp has been thanks to my Endo

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to


Did he tell you that he would be informing your GP and that Levothyroxine should be increased?

in reply to Clutter

No he didn't' he asked whether my gp was still prescribing in between my appointments to him.. I said yes no problems so far he said eventually they will inform gp to stop it. he said he will write a letter to gp saying how well I'm doing on it and same dosage then he said until gp is informed to stop by whoever CCG I thought he said? But usually Endo always prescribes on my appointments on the day but I wasnt given any this time bit confusing

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to


My endo only ever prescribed the initial month's dose and GP practice issued repeats.

Don't tell your GP endo is no longer prescribing. NHS England wants to remove T3 prescribing from NHS but their consultation doesn't end until 21st October so there shouldn't be a dictat from on high before then although your CCG could instruct your GP to stop prescribing.

The BTA issued guidance that patients doing well on T3 should not have their prescriptions with-drawn. See FAQS for patients and GPs in british-thyroid-association...

CCGs do not have the authority to tell GPs what not to prescribe. Individual GPs, not CCGs, could be found in breach of the General Medical Services contract if they do not prescribe treatment patients have been told "they need".

The GPC has warned that GPs would be in breach of the GMS contract and could get into legal trouble by following the orders and refusing to prescribe patients treatments they have told them they need.

If members can recommend anyone they will send you a private message. Sources can't be posted on the forum so I am closing your post to replies. To read a private message:

To send a private message:

Please complete the NHS England Survey re de-prescribing Liothyronine.

Please also sign the petition requesting better thyroid diagnosis, testing and treatment.

in reply to Clutter

Thank You Clutter

shaws profile image

If you have a clinical need for T3, they should not stop prescribing it. There are similar posts to yours on the right-hand column which may be helpful but also look at the Pinned Post and click on the #T3 Campaign and sign .

Also visit your local MP and tell him you've had T3 withdrawn when you had a lot of improvement when it was added to your T4. Excerpt from pinned post:

There are several aspects to our campaign and we need your help. We need you to contact your MPs and VISIT them rather than write to them, if you can. If not, then please do write to them. If you know people in the same area that want to help, then please visit them as a group.

We are aware that there is a possibility that the decision to withdraw T3 from the prescription list has already been made despite the consultation not being finished and a proper legal decision being made. Please bring this to the attention of your MP too. Thyroid UK is in touch with the media and we hope that a big story would bring this to the attention of the decision makers.

We are currently designing a survey that we are going to use showing the impact of treatment (or non treatment) with T3 has on patients' lives. Please participate when we publish this.

in reply to shaws

Hi Shaws,I most certainly will..I have signed a petition on it a while back I'll get in touch with my local MP too! Been a really helpful Endo I got a bit of my life back

Babette profile image

My endo only issued the first prescription for T3. He said his budget for prescribing disappeared when the CCGs were created. It was nearly a year before my GP took on the prescribing and I've had it from my GP ever since.

When I had my appointments with my Endo he would always prescribe a months supply I would pick it up in the hospital pharmacy in between my GP would prescribe so I'm hoping to still get it from GP as from what I understand from Endo he has written to GP saying how much he better I have been on it along with my last test results. He hasn't mentioned anything as far as I know about he can't precribe I see my Endo in 6 months time. So I'm just hoping my surgery do not get told to stop it.. I have signed petitions and I'll be in touch with my MP

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