Can someone recommend a legitimate website from which I can buy T3 thyroid medication that doesn't cost the earth please?
Where I can buy T3 on-line please?: Can someone... - Thyroid UK
Where I can buy T3 on-line please?

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Emmal, PM me & I will provide you with the name of where I get mine.
It really is best that we have some information about the member and their thyroid problem, and see some test results, especially when it's that member's first post, before sharing source of supply.
Two reasons -
1) they may not need T3 and taking it could make them unwell if they don't, plus we can offer guidance on dosing and whether Levo needs reducing if adding T3
2) we need to protect our scarce sources of T3 and we have no idea who the person is if their one and only post is asking for sources and giving no thyroid history.
Hi Emma , do you have any blood tests you could post so that someone could advise you on ?as its not something you would just take unless you really had exhausted every other avenue ..
Post them and someone will help!
Members are more inclined to share sources when you Write a post including background like recent thyroid results and ranges and current thyroid medication.
If members can recommend anyone they will send you a private message. To read a private message:
To send EmmaT3 a private message:
Please complete the NHS England Survey re deprescribing Liothyronine.
Please also sign the petition requesting better thyroid diagnosis, testing and treatment.
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