In February 2017 I increased my Levothyroxine from 50 to 62.5 mg and in April my Plasma TSH level 2.10 mu/L [0.3 – 5.6]. Since mid May I have been alternating 75 mcg with 62.5 mcg
This year I have had 2 blood pressure test (March and August) and both results were high. Previous results have been OK. Is there any link between increase in Levothyroxine and increase in blood pressure. I am thinking about reducing the Levothyroxine to see if my balance and headaches improve.
I have been slowly losing weight since May without really trying, about 4 pounds which I don’t mind and I have days when I am not really hungry. Tried for years to loose some weight but couldn’t.
If I want to reduce my Levothyroxine is it better to stop taking for a while and then start on a lower dose or just drop back to 62.5 mcg. It may all be coincidence but blood pressure seems to have increased with the levothyroxine increase. I am generally out of sorts and my last B12 injection didn’t give me the usual energy boost so something isn’t quite right.
I have been reading around and it seems that blood pressure can increase if you are under or over medicated so I am confused. It may all be a coincidence but I thought I would ask.