Hi All,
I have a question, of course thyroid related but social in context, if I may:
Met someone who seems ok/nice. He invited me to go out/restaurant/etc. twice. I got out of the first offer, but the second offer was for a few days from now, and I want to think of a way to decline without seeming rude or disinterested.
The problem is, I'm recently diagnosed, so I'm still going through many significant symptoms. He met me at my job, where of course, to a stranger I look "ok", well even. I didn't feel well when he met me, but he wouldn't know that. But I have significant swelling, hair loss/thin, unbelievable fatigue, thyroid blood sugar issues, pain, and can't even drive, all of my clothes and shoes are too tight, and I haven't been eating in restaurants due to irregular blood sugars/diet restrictions.
However, I don't want to share all of that personal information with an essential stranger, yet I don't want to appear rude, or disinterested in his pursuit. I just can't do anything these days besides work and sleep. I'm even lying down to type this because the foot swelling is now painful.
How would you, or would you, handle this? Any word from you, I would really appreciate it.
Thank you all for your time; feel free to private message me if you prefer. Thank you so much.