I know a lovely woman who is very unwell w cancer. I do not know her well (she is more of a friend of a friend) but I like her very much. She has had to drop out of our book group for now because she's feeling poorly. I'd like to email her to say I will miss her and she should feel free to drop back in just for social reasons if she likes, whether or not she reads the book (for real, who really cares if you read the book? not I). How do I wrap it all up without either being overly glib (can't say get well soon) or overly grave ('thinking of you' and 'sending love' seem sort of, Idk, sympathy-card-sentiment, eek). I may be overthinking it.
What do you say to someone when you can't say 'get well soon'? Even if this is chemo SEs or something temporary, my understanding is that this lady has quite advanced cancer and I don't want to say something inappropriate.
I know this is not the most obvious place to ask this question but I'm interested in your opinions. After all, we often find others telling us to cheer up, stay positive and all kinds of things that can be a bit fume-inducing when you have a chronic illness.