After seeing a different endo a second time, balling my eyes out saying i have constant changing moods by the minute, anxiety, on off depression by the day, detachment, i cant cope anymore.. i could tell she wasnt listening or even bothered and this is what her letter says to my gp.. that im hyper??
Im hypo what is she on about??
I know now that my ft4 was high at that point as i had took the levo prior to test.. then a week later after reducing to 75mcg like she told me too the results came out that i was too hypo again surprise surprise!!
And as for vitamin d and c i didnt even mention them, i asked about taking b12 as my b12 was in range but low!! Wth!!
Iv currently increased to 125mcg as i believe this is what i needed all along 10 months ago!!.. only been 2 weeks so no improvement yet mentally, i dont suffer physically apart from losing weight when hypo...
I just want to feel like i did last year just normal im not asking for much.. i go to turkey in 10 days and i dont want to feel depressed and anxious for no reason at all 😣