I'm not sure about these results - I am taking thyroxine 100 mcg and 12.5 T3. I don't feel wonderful but self medicating on T3 not sure where to go from here
I'm really not sure about these results - Thyroid UK
I'm really not sure about these results

Well, there's plenty of room for an increase in T3.
Have you had your vit D, vit B12, folate and ferritin tested?
Thanks - well I am called back to GP next week following my blood test so will ask for all my results. I had this test done privately ahead of annual (TSH) thyroid test at The surgery, I asked for full blood test as I feel exhausted but dare not turn up with levels that suggested use of T3 although over the year I have taken it I have felt better. I was told I was fine despite horrid palpitations and continuous weight gain - will post blood results later thanks
Why 'dare not'? What do you think your doctor is going to do to you? Come to that, why do you need a doctor at all if you buy your own T3 and pay for your own tests? You are legally entitled to self treat, if you're in the UK. It's your health that is most important, your your doctor's antiquated ideas.
Thanks - I know it's ridiculous but they are not at all receptive to anything that differs from 'the norm' as they see it in terms of treatment. I will wait for my full blood test but from this test not sure whether I need to increase T4 and T3 or reduce T4 and add more T3 which of course is harder to source these days 😕
I fully understand where you're coming from Susie. I self treat with T3 and I'm sure if I told them at the surgery they'd blow a gasket, and they look for any excuse to tell patients they will have to find a new surgery - a bit of a joke as I live semi-rurally and it's 10 miles to the next nearest one!
They only go by TSH and as mine is always suppressed, no matter what I take, I've already had all the warnings about over medication, atrial fibrilation, osteoporosis, heart this that and the other, ad nauseum.
I add self sourced T3 to my prescribed Levo, I haven't had a blood test done at the surgery for over 3 years. It appears they no longer send out reminders to patients for TFTs. It's been mentioned once or twice when I've gone for something else, even had appointments made, but I ignore the request, have cancelled the appointments, and dodged them so far. I regularly test privately though.
If your doctors knows about thyroid then he would know you are taking it! Not many do though but if you are correctly medicated then your TSH would be suppressed and FT3 high in its range. FT4 could fall to half was but the only accurate reading is the FT3.
I don't think they would because I did this test privately - GP only asks for TSH and I fit the reference range for that. I know T4 will be suppressed if taking T3 but should my level be higher and if I up T3 should I reduce T4?
Susie, listen to the other Susie (Seaside). The medical profession is horrid when it comes to hypothyroid patients whom they would rather stick to their mentality and watch the patient struggle. Don't play their game. Tests are not that difficult to analyze. As you can see, both your FT4 and FT3 are barely in range. It's probably guesswork to decide which to raise, (T3 or T4) personally many of us don't even take T4 any longer and survived nicely on only T3 which hopefully is going to remain on the market. I don't know if the shortage of T3 comes from the fact that perhaps thousands of patients are waking up to the fact that it's more beneficial to treat oneself rather than slowly lose your life force from the inevitable deterioration.
I've told my GP that I buy my own T3. I explained why I need it, and referred to previous blood tests which showed that it was necessary.
As far as I know, they have to do a FT3 blood test when you are taking T3. So this is beneficial for most of us (if not all).
I believe that we need to tell them about our T3, otherwise, if you get your levels better, they think it's been achieved with just T4, and this justifies their T4-only approach.
An update - though not a complete one just back from GP who was very pleased with all of my results apart from cholesterol 6.9. I have asked for print out but events overtook us as she started down the line of heart attacks and strokes - my blood pressure went through the roof and I declined the offer of statins and BP meds. I will be monitored but can't help but think that the cholesterol and low T3 are linked. So what to do next...... I ink upping the T3 or d I stay the same and add selenium - confused ?