I hope someone can help me interpret the above results which I've just received (Genova END08 urine test for T4 and T3 and conversion).
To put this into context, I have never been diagnosed with hypothyroidism despite being symptomatic and my TFTs are always in range (please see profile for info).
I have, however, been diagnosed with mitochondrial dysfunction and low nutritional status (despite a good diet), especially magnesium and folate, all identified through Acumen CFS profile testing. Currently taking supplements.
My naturopath is recommending I take Thyro gold (given it is impossible to source Nutri thyroid), but I am hesitant given my euthyroid status.
The ratio T4:T3 looks perfect (1.14), but the actual measurements (especially the T4) seem a little low though in range. The results are below.
I would be grateful for any enlightenment.
With thanks, Ann