The following article you will find interesting I'm sure and it is all about the TSH. Mr Peter Warmingham is an Adviser to
Should the TSH be suppressed?: The following... - Thyroid UK
Should the TSH be suppressed?

It is not too strong a word 'deplorable' and the suffering caused is inestimable. Particularly as it is due to insufficient training of doctors and endocrinologists.
Great article; thanks Shaws.

As always in thyroidology, sometimes suppressed TSH doesn't matter and sometimes it does. What I mean is that the identical values for thyroid parameters (TSH, FT4 and FT3) can mean quite different things for two different people. The problem is that when the thyroid is destroyed, different patients react differently to the same T4 (T4/T3) or T3 dose. Its the faulty philosophy of categorising patients as being correctly treated if they are somewhere in the normal range rather than being in the correct position for them in the range. And for TSH this can also be being outside the range for healthy people. This is because the body has to do all the work of converting T4 to T3 in the absence of an active thyroid which was when healthy helping out by direct T3 production. So more T4 has to be given to get the original T3 level, suppressing the TSH production.
An excellent article. Thank you for posting, Shaws. I know from the receptionist that my GP has written me a letter following my last blood test, as my TSH was 0.01, but I am on holiday so haven't seen it yet. I suspect I can guess the content though! I am going to print out a copy of this article to take with me if he wants to see me....
Yes, do so. Also is it Big Pharma who suggests heart/bone problems to keep us unwell and thus get more prescriptions for the remaining symptoms due to not being on a sufficient dose?
Yes, those - heart & bones - are the reasons he gave for not prescribing me my thyroid meds in the first place (I get them privately). Yet he should see now from my lack of appointments, reductions in other prescribed meds & from looking at & listening to me that I better. That won't happen though!