How to lose weight gained due to hypothyroidism - Thyroid UK

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How to lose weight gained due to hypothyroidism

ThungwaMukmaLimboo profile image

I have gained lots of weight i.e. 12 to 15 kg due to hypothyroidism, how can i lose it? Please suggest me a remedy. Thank you.

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ThungwaMukmaLimboo profile image
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24 Replies
BadHare profile image

No remedy, but perhaps try restrictive eating times, kefir for probiotics, & cut out all processed food from your diet. I Like Chris Kresser's website for information.

I can only tell you what worked for me. I took T4 only for years and nothing happened weight wise (diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 2000). I was then switched to T3 + T4 and still nothing happened. Not even NDT made any doctor then ordered blood sugar and insulin tests and it turned out I am insulin resistent (not really diabetic but close). Insulin is a fat storing hormone. Doctor wanted me on Metformin but I preferred a natural remedy first: Berberine, after reading an article stating that this herb had proven as effective as prescription drug Metformin. For the past couple of years, I have been taking 500 mg of Berberine three times a day, along with meals, and I have lost 23 kilograms and am now back to my pre-hypothyroid weight (I hope the online converter is correct = 3.62 st or 50.7 lb). Before taking this supplement, nothing - not even T3/NDT and exercise - was enough, whereas, before I had a thyroid problem, I could eat pretty much anything I wanted as long as I exercised enough.

My fasting insulin and blood sugar levels are now well within range.

I am not saying insulin resistance is your problem, but just wanted to point out that all hormones are interconnected and influence each other. Therefore, correcting one hormone deficiency may not be enough.

Rac73 profile image
Rac73 in reply to

Just wondered what brand of berberine you used. I have recently had Metformin mentioned to me but would also like a natural alternative to try first.

in reply to Rac73

I have been using a product called Glyco-X 500 by Good State, but there are dozens of brand out there with great ratings.

Rac73 profile image
Rac73 in reply to

Thank you, I will have a look and purchase some. I gained 4 stone during the last 2 years that I would like to lose to bring me into a healthy (well almost) range. Even the healthiest diet has not been able to shift a a pound.

infomaniac profile image
infomaniac in reply to

Hi anna, can I ask if you have Hashis? I am keen to give Berberine a go (desperate to lose weight) but I'm a bit wary since I read it enhances immune function....which could mean anything! Thanks a lot.

in reply to infomaniac

Yes, I have Hashi's and have for over 20 years. I have not had any problems with Berberine.

infomaniac profile image
infomaniac in reply to

Great news, thanks a lot :-)

TSH110 profile image

I went gluten free and swapped from levothyroxine to NDT and the excess weight I had gained from becoming hypothyroid, (c. 4 stone and I could not shift even running over 5 miles every day) fell off with no effort at all.

Redditch profile image

Get properly medicated! Hypothyroidism slows down your metabolism, if your meds were sufficient you'd lose the weight, ask your doctor for a small increase in medication

whispers60 profile image
whispers60 in reply to Redditch

That's not exactly true. Suggesting an increase in meds without knowing the levels they are at at the moment is irresponsible to say the least. This is a patient that has only just started taking meds and hasn't had the first adjustment yet!

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to whispers60

You only have to look at her last post, to see her levels. Her TSH is extremely high.

whispers60 profile image
whispers60 in reply to greygoose

But she has also only been on them a few weeks. I still think it was a rather badly worded comment the meds need to be given a chance to work over at least 8 weeks then re test before increase

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to whispers60


Bigbird7912 profile image

Hi - the dreaded weight gain. I've gained approx 3-4 stone since being diagnosed. I have a sedentary job(" (say behind a desk) I've started walking more and have recently joined SW I loose on average 1 - 1 1/2lb per week so definitely not a big loser but it's going in the right direction.

I now cook all fresh food no processed meals/meat & limit takeaways and when I do have have them choose chicken kebabs or things similar. X

I'm in the same situation. I went to see the nurse at gp surgery. She weighed me, gave me some advice on changing the things I eat and told me to keep a food diary. Im to stop eating bread altogether and just eat what you would put in bread instead so eat in a different way. Eat fresh foods and cereals. To stop any sweet craving I'm allowed a 2 bar KitKat everyday if I want. I've been doing this 2 weeks now and already feel slimmer but not deprived myself. Just stopping eating bread worked quite quick. I love bread and butter so it is hard but I want to loose a couple of stone more than I want bread and butter.

I go back in 2 weeks with my food diary for more advice and a weigh in which is free.

nightingale-56 profile image
nightingale-56 in reply to

Hidden I have been gluten free for about 20 years now, but err every so often. I have been slowly losing 5lb over the past 6 weeks by only having food from fresh at each meal and not eating in between meals, a tip given by a Diabetic Counsellor. Yesterday I ate a whole Tiger Bread French Loaf and this morning I have put the whole 5 lb back on again. Back to no bread for me again!

in reply to nightingale-56

Doesn't it show how fattening that lovely bread is?

But I just love bread.... haha

I am loosing weight not eating bread like you say and fresh everything.

I thought as my medication and blood results are as good as they are going to get then and im feeling okay now, my next step is weight loss. It's working.

Gluten free is also an option I know. It works to reduce symptoms also for some people but not others.

We have to try these things.

Thank you for your reply j_bee. Best of luck.

shond2015 profile image
shond2015 in reply to nightingale-56

Dear J_bee

I laughed so much when I read your post regarding your eating a whole Tiger Bread French loaf! that is just the sort of thing I would do...hehe And you know, sometimes, as humans, we do daft things like that, regardless of the's called ' enjoying life' . see you in September JBee. x

silverfox7 profile image

Weight gain is down to being wrongly medicated. If that is corrected and makes very little difference then you have to look at other things and may be changing your life style and also remember it can take time.

SlowDragon profile image

Since you have only just been diagnosed with extremely high TSH you will have to be patient and wait for your body to slowly recover before even thinking about weight loss.

You have only just started on 50mcg thyroxine, will need retesting after 6-8 weeks and will almost certainly have dose increase of 25mcg, with retesting again. Whole process will repeat until your symptoms resolve and TSH is in lower part of range.

It would also be a very good idea to get your thyroid antibodies tested to know if the cause is autoimmune thyroid disease also called Hashimoto's. If you have Hashimotos then a strictly gluten free diet may help reduce symptoms and may help reduce swelling associated with hypothyroidism, even if your weight doesn't lower.

Other tests to ask for at a future blood draw are to check levels of vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12.

Catlover3 profile image

Hi. You will have to be a little patient regarding the weight. You have to be on the optimum dose before that will happen and you don't want to be adding any more stress to your body at the moment. Try and eat as healthily as possible and don't beat yourself up about it. I sort of gave up caring for a long time, but have now got myself into a good frame of mind, and by using "my fitness pal" on my mobile, am calorie counting, and finally able to get my head into gear. I had to up my NDT as blood tests showed my tsh had risen from below 1 to 3.76 but have managed to lose nearly 2 stone averaging about a 1lb a week. You will be able to do this too in time. Best of luck.x

E_lizab8 profile image

I also have hypothyroidism (Hashimotos) and had gained weight before diagnosis, I am now gluten free and also eat moderately low carb and am gradually losing weight . See "" all the info is there also some great recipes, I found it very easy, more a way of life than a diet and apart from losing weight I feel so much healthier than before.

lifexperience profile image

Have you tried one tablespoon off cider vinagar to one tablespoon off water? It makes you less hungary. I have been trying this the last 5 days. Lost a pound so far. I find gps useless. I put on 4 stone when I first got thyroid problems.

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