Hi, I have just come across this website so am very new, I have read a number of posts regarding thyroid and related problems and wished I had found this earlier.
I had a total thyroidectomy and the removal of a parathyroid gland back in 2004 and since then I have been on Levothyroxine. I was on a dose of 150mg for a good number of years but over the last 3 years the consultants and doing there best to reduce my dose, I now alternate daily between 150mg and 125mg. About 3 years ago I complained to the doc that I suffered from extreme tiredness, I was sent to an endo doc who did lots of blood tests but was told that there is nothing wrong as all tests are 'normal' They made me feel like I was wasting there time and suggested that I join a gym! so I have just put up with the tiredness ever since then. It is as if I only have a certain amount of energy per day and if I use it up too soon I 'go over' as my hubby says!
I also have Tinnitus in my left ear which started at the same time as my Thyroid cancer. I had an MRI at the time it started and various hearing tests but was told that there is no cure and nothing can be done so have lived with it ever since. But 3 months ago I started with a constant clicking in my left ear and twitching spasms in my eyes. I am going for another MRI tomorrow.
I also suffer from Gluten intolerance for about the last 3 years, suffering with bloating, wind and diarrhoea at the slightest hint of gluten. Again went to see the gp, was sent for a blood test, nothing showed up and was told to just get on with it!
I have read a number of posts on this site today and am astounded to read that all of my problems could well be related. My annual check up with the thyroid doc is in the next few weeks, I would love to know if anybody else suffered from all these problems together?