Endo appt finally, went with blue horizon results, (see prev posts), list of symptoms and thyroid UK info. He said antibodies MIGHT give me 50% predisposition to hashi's in years to come but as rest of results are normal he does not think so! Cursery glance at first 4 symptoms, they could be anything he says. I am getting angry\upset by this point. He then says I am not an expert! Sorry I thought you were an endo and could help me. He then concludes that as my tsh has been normal in the past there is nothing he can do except recommend me going on a diet and seeing my gp for anti depressants!!! I cried at this point so he stuck his hand out said you do not need to come back to see me and ushered me out of the door!!! I cried all the way home in the car. Where do I go from here??
Endo appt, now I am crying!!: Endo appt finally... - Thyroid UK
Endo appt, now I am crying!!

Hi dianef2303,
Please can you post your results so members here can interpret them for you.
If you have antibodies, it's my understanding that some doctors will consider putting you on medication even if all hormones are within range. I don't have antibodies myself so I'll leave someone else to confirm that.
Most people here have to deal with setbacks from doctors, try not to let it get you down. You can explain the situation to your GP and ask for another referral to a different endocrinologist or even speak to a private endocrinologist if you want something done quickly.
What a moron! How very upsetting for you. I honestly think people are better off not seeing endos, because they never know much about thyroid. They just think they do!
Looking at your results from two months ago, your antibodies are high, so you do have Hashi's - which he obviously knows nothing about - but, to be honest, I wouldn't have expected him to treat on those results. Still, he could have been kinder - or at least polite! The NHS pays him good money to see patients, it's time someone reminded him to start earning it!
Anyway, those antibodies, and the low nutrients, will be making you feel bad. So, while you're waiting for your TSH to rise, you should start optimising your B12, etc; And try taking selenium and a gluten-free diet, to lower the antibodies.
Don't let him get to you. But, I know what it's like. I've seen endos that have made me cry.
Thank you for that and sorry for sounding such a wimp but just upset at the outcome. Really showing my ignorance now but what is the best way to optimise B12? Is it as simple as taking b12 supplements? Would they help serum folate too?
You should take sublingual methylcobalamin (B12). And, with that, a B complex, because the Bs all work together, and need to be kept balanced. If you get one with 400 mcg methylfolate, that will bring your folate up.
And, you don't sound like a wimp, at all! It's hard dealing with these ignorant people!
Thank you will have a look at sourcing some of those x
dianef2303 B Complex - Thorne Basic B (one capsule) or Metabolics B Complex (two capsules). Both good quality supplement.
Jarrow's sublingual methylcobalamin lozenges for B12. Start with 5000mcg daily, finish the bottle then buy 1000mcg strength as a maintenance dose. Jarrow's are still reasonably priced, Solgar have got very expensive.
The one I saw 18 years ago examined my hands and nails.I thought that's not going to help me.No discussion about fertility or pregnancy (i am childless and think my UAT contributed to that)or family heredity. ECG done:Diagnosis:Continue with Levothyroxine.Yes I was absolutely gutted afterwards after being fobbed off by drs for years about my symptoms and I was right to be.We all do.
Oh dear. I had a similar experience of a male endo i saw a few years ago. No bedside manner and pretty much fobbed of all symptoms as not being thyroid related even though i have hashi's and had already been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. He was adamant that my symptoms were not thyroid and to prove a point reluctantly took some bloods (TSH, FT4) and said that they would be the same as the previous result and he was wrong! They showed that i was not on the right dose and he wrote to my GP to tell them to increase it. I did ask at the time if they are not hypo symptoms then what could they be...dunno says he...useless... I did cry infront of him because i had built up so much hope of him helping me but he did everything but...even his assistant looked horrified at his rubbish attitude and told me to take care. He did also test Vit D but didnt bother to tell me that my results were rock bottom which i had to get from his secretary as he didnt inform my GP either.
On a positive note Greygoose has given a great reply to you re nutrients etc. These are very important as mine are low too.
Sounds like my experience today, they are so awful aren't they? Just no bedside manner at all, felt some of it was because I went well prepared with info, which he did not like!
They are and not just the men either! I have seen 2 and wasnt impressed with eithers knowledge to be honest, i only saw the last one because i was trying to cling on to my T3 prescription which alas she said i didnt need because my doctor said they wouldnt prescribe it anymore unless the Endo said so! Chin up Diane...move on....
I asked mine if my thyroid is now perfect why do I need two winter duvets all year pretty much and have low basal temp with ridiculous flushes especially at night and still in bed all day etc. He said he had no idea and that they don't know much about women. At least it was honest! Not really sure how they get the discipline of endocrinology when they openly admit they know so little about 50% of the population and obviously thyroid issues. Perhaps we would be better served if they specialised in either diabetes or the rest rather than trying to fudge the topics and be rude when put on the spot.
When I had a repeat consultation with my endo, armed with Blue Horizon tests that showed increasing my Levo had improved the levels, and that I felt much better, her angry reply was "OF COURSE YOU FEEL BETTER ON A HIGHER DOSE, but that doesn't mean you should keep on that dose......... think of the risks to your bones and heart!!"
I was very upset at the time, and so angry.
I now think it is hilarious,
Having consulted a Doc from here I am even better, almost normal, I'm on Metavive

Oh that old crock 'think of the risk to your bones and heart urghhhh' if I had a penny for every time a Dr said that to me 😀18 years on Thyroxine /Armour /Erfa in varying degrees and combinations here and recently had x rays and MRI's nothing wrong with me thanks very much Dr's!
So having slept on it - well not really as sleep is an issue - I have ordered my b12 vitamins and added selenium to the list. I have regained my perspective and sense of humour (just). Thank you for all your help and it has made me realise that I am not the only one who has issues with endo and gp's. Will do my best to optimise my health in other ways and hope that I feel better soon.
And try to stay away or take everything with a large pinch of salt. And then post their ghastly sayings on here so that we can have a good laugh at their ignorance. If we don't want to cry too.
Hello,,,,if the expert said these things,,then go and cheer yourself up with a nice meal and a trip somewhere nice,,,,rest and then make yourself a plan and get yourself into something you like to do and enjoy doing it,,,sometimes a change of view point can help,,and have antidepressants,,,to help lift your mood might not be a bad thing,,,,don't cry anymore,,,you can get something good to work at,,,,ttfn from karen.
I'm so sorry to hear this. I went through something similar a few months ago. The endo told me to exercise and eat less than the 1200 calories that I was eating. Then she said that my weight gain genetic and nothing to do with hormones. Then sent me off feeling defeated.
I wrote her a scathing email a few days ago after reading so many horror stories on here with irresponsible and rude endos. I gave her links to read in that email and told her that her willful ignorance is making people sicker.
I'm not trying to take away from your experience. I'm just letting you know that you are not alone. After they have shoved us to the ground we get up, dust ourselves off and try again to take control of our lives.