Sleepwalking and thyroid?: Hey everyone, I'm... - Thyroid UK

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Sleepwalking and thyroid?

dang profile image
7 Replies

Hey everyone, I'm posting because something happened last night that has me a little concerned.

Before giving my experience let me just ask is there any correlation between levo, t3, or magnesium that could cause sleep walking?

So here's what happened: as with any other night my girlfriend and I were watching tv in the living room before bed. My alarm goes off on my phone reminding me to take my magnesium. I take the tablet (new brand, just started taking it) and I start dosing off on the couch. I notice my girlfriend is already sleeping, but this often happens and one of us will eventually wake up, and bring the other to bed (almost a nightly routine for us). But instead of that happening the next thing I remember is my girlfriend waking me up, I'm already in bed sleeping in my clothes, she's confused as to why I didn't wake her (even a little insulted that I left her alone on the couch), I was confused as to how I got to bed.

I go back to the living room, I had left my phone and all my things on the table and I didn't clean up after myself (very unlike me), and I had absolutely zero recollection of getting up from the couch and going to bed.

Now maybe I would shrug this off if it isn't for the fact that as a child I had a HUGE problem with sleepwalking. On any given night I would wake up somewhere where I didn't go to sleep, my parents had to constantly watch out for me as I would run around the house at night, or sometimes even leave the house. I would make food in the middle of the night and rearrange things in the house, just really weird stuff.

However this stopped many years ago, for the most part when I was 12-13 it ended, except for one event I remember when I was 17 and I was woken while sleep walking and couldn't even remember my name, where I was, who I was, it was a terrifying experience. I'm now 31 so I've had a good 14 years without a single episode (that I know of).

Now I'm worried that it might start again. My girlfriend has never known me as a sleep walker, I now live in a different continent than my mother who knew what to do. I'm worried that I might leave the house in the middle of the night and do who knows what, get picked up by the police, woken up and lose memory of who I am again.

Is sleepwalking possibly caused by my t3? Is there any correlation? I've noticed a change in sleep patterns since taking it. How about the magnesium? It sure knocks me out, maybe it contributes?

Any advice at all would be so helpful! Even if the advice is that I'm being foolish and overthinking it. I'm hoping this was a one time thing, but trying to prepare myself in case if it isn't.

Thanks in advance!


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7 Replies
shaws profile image

I take T3 only and haven't sleep walked. If you were prone as child it just might be that your hormones are working well as the usual complaint is sleeplessness.

Don't let your imagine run wild. Also tell your girlfriend to put the front-door keys somewhere where you cannot find them to open the door.

dang profile image
dang in reply to shaws

That is really good advice about the front door keys thank you for that! I didn't even think of it.

My hormones are working well for the first time since probably my teenage years. And I've noticed that I fall asleep again the way I did when I was a child, quick and easy, no fuss. Which is why I was worried that now the sleep walking is back.

Do you think the hormonal balance from the meds is giving me this sleep pattern, or could it be this magnesium? I'm wondering if the magnesium is knocking me into deeper sleep than I normally experience.

dang profile image
dang in reply to shaws

Sorry had to add this, I found some studies that claim hyperthyroidism can cause sleepwalking due to thyrotoxicosis:

Could it be that I'm overmedicated? Also having really bad tinnitus today.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to dang

You'd have to have a blood test to confirm or not you are overmedicated. Usually overmedication would cause you to feel too hot, pulse too fast etc.

I'm sorry you also have the burden of tinnitus to cope with as well. You could well do without that. Did you have a blood test to say your magnesium was deficient?

dang profile image
dang in reply to shaws

Yes I had recent bloods done at my Endo. Magnesium was fine although I am supplementing 250mg per day. I'm supplementing because it rids me of muscle twitching.

I don't feel overmedicated at the moment, although my FT3 is hugging the top of the range, but I have no symptoms of over medication.

The tinnitus is usually a sign of under medication for me, and I don't feel under medicated either. Maybe I'm trying to connect the dots when they simply don't connect.

elaine2447 profile image
elaine2447 in reply to dang

Hello dang, haven't seen you about for a while. Firstly I was going to say the same thing about getting your girl friend to hide the keys at night. I don't suffer from sleepwalking as I barely sleep but when I tried a small amount of NDT my ears were ringing so I actually went to close the window as I thought it was birds screaming. So as shaws said could be over medicating. In my case I think its my adrenals as my cortisol is way too high morning noon and night. Hope you feel better as the day goes on.

dang profile image
dang in reply to elaine2447

Yea I had to take a bit of a break from the forum to focus on my career, things became really hectic for a while there, but they've finally eased back down :)

Thanks for your advice! I'm going to consider these possibilities and try to figure out what's going on here. I'll talk to my girlfriend about the keys and explain to her what she might expect if she finds me sleeping walking.


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