Levothyroxine and painful joints: Does anyone... - Thyroid UK

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Levothyroxine and painful joints

mlaei profile image
27 Replies

Does anyone know if it's possible that Levothyroxine causes joint pain. I was diagnosed with an under active thyroid 2 years ago and put on 50mg Levothyroxine. Within a couple of weeks I started getting joint pain. My doctor referred me to a rheumatologist and they say that I have inflammatory arthritis and prescribed anti inflammatory drugs. I am convinced it's the Levothyroxine that's causing it but none of the doctors agree that this drug causes these side effects. Many thanks.

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mlaei profile image
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27 Replies
bluebug profile image

Please post your thyroid test results WITH ranges in brackets? You may be under medicated.

mlaei profile image
mlaei in reply to bluebug

The only result I know was that my TSH was 1.5 at the last test which the doctor say was fine.

bluebug profile image
bluebug in reply to mlaei

Please go back to your surgery and request your test results WITH the ranges. It is your right under the Data Protection Act 1998 to get your results.


A random number is meaningless as posters need to know what else was tested WITH ranges to be able to help you.

The range is needed as different labs use different instruments and use a different population to base test on.

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to mlaei

Your TSH should be 1 or lower. They believe anywhere in range is fine and make a decision without the patient's approval (which I should think should be involved)

mlaei profile image
mlaei in reply to shaws

That's interesting. Thank you

Clutter profile image


Has vitamin D been tested? Vitamin D deficiency caused the hip and knee joint pain I had and it resolved when deficiency was corrected.

Have you tried alternative makes of Levothyroxine to see whether joint pain improves?

HomeGirl55 profile image

Is there an off chance that you take other medications or vitamins within 4 hours of taking the Levothyroxine? I was hurting badly for months before being told I can't take my multivitamins within 4 hours of Levothyroxine and after awhile the aching pain stopped. Just a thought, something you might want to research or ask your doctor.

Moe65wee profile image
Moe65wee in reply to HomeGirl55

I'm experiencing the same pain joints ache, I'm on 1200mg of calicum, of course I wasn't aware that you can't take anything with the thyroid medication until 4 hours, but none of the pain started until I started the thyroid medication, I don't want them to keep running more test and say here take another pill...I hate taking the thyroid medication.

mlaei profile image

Thank you all for your replies.

shaws profile image

I can certainly agree and sympathise with you. Yes I had widespread joing/muscle pain. I couldn't believe that a medication supposed to relieve your symptoms that you were actually so much worse and couldn't even step onto a low pavement.

You see, we are usuing levothyroxine, they're not and they have absolutely no knowledge about pain with levo.

Has your doctor taken a Free T4 and Free T3 blood test, the reason you will see in the attached link. All our doctors and endocrinologists appear to have little knowledge. Some people are diagnosed as having Fibromyalgia due to their TSH not being 'in range' when it could be due to too low a T3.


phoenix23002 profile image

I don't know that levo 'causes' joint pain. I can only share my experience. Doc did a TSH test on me years ago just so we would have a base line because of all the thyroid problems experienced by various family members. Imagine our surprise when it came back at 8. something and I had NO symptoms.

I was totally ignorant re: synthetic vs natural (NDT) and was put on levo. Hypo symptoms developed and worsened even tho they switched me from levo to name brand Synthroid. One of those symptoms was horrible joint/bone pain. It is pain like no other. It seems to radiate from the bone outwards... from deep inside joints.

Long story, short... when I complained about hypo symptoms, an internist suggested that I might not be converting T 4 to T 3 (first I had heard about that) and that NDT might be helpful. Well, started on Armour (this was back in the nineties) and within a week/10 days, the sun came out, angels sang and I was bouncing off the walls in pure joy because almost all of the hypo symptoms had disappeared or dramatically lessened. So... does levo 'cause' joint/bone pain? or is that a symptom of hypo? I guess the next question would be 'do hypo folks experience joint/bone pain in the absence of levo/synthroid, right?

Moe65wee profile image
Moe65wee in reply to phoenix23002

I didn't have any joint pain till I started the levothyroxine, I'm almost convinced it's the meds and not the hypothyroid. The last time I had my thyroid checked was 2 years ago and the only thing I had was my hair was thinning.

SophieBella profile image

Absolutely it does. I have been on levothyroxine since Feb and gradually got joint pain in feet and hands. Got slowly worse, reduced to 50 mg. Still got worse, could hardly walk. Then reduced to 25mg and it stopped!

Moe65wee profile image
Moe65wee in reply to SophieBella

I started on half of a 25mg for 2 months and it didn't help with my blood test, so my doctor told me to take the 25mg took it for a month the tested in February test days my t4 was good but my tsh was low and now I'm in pain hips, knees, elbows terrible... I'm waiting for my Dr to talk to the endocrinologist... But I don't want them to tell me I need to take something else, I'm not a pill taker, other then vitamins, I've taken more Aleve in the last month then I've taken in the last decade.

i still have joint, bone and muscle pain and i am now on NDT for 1 year - still waiting for my sunshine moment where i feel better.

LAHs profile image
LAHs in reply to

In my case it was under mediation. Get a blood test, particularly FreeT3, FreeT4 and TSH. Post your results (with ranges and units) and we can tell if you have an inability to convert T4 to T3. Low T3 is usually the cause of joint and bone pain but there are other dietary deficiencies which could be the cause, Vits. D, B12, folate, Selenium, and others which are listed here daily. But get the basic thyroid blood test first - and let us know.

Cup-cake7 profile image

.....my hip pain I can now notice it started as my tsh hit 3 - this was 5 years ago (undiagnosed ) And no understanding found as to why I experienced this debilitating pain (I was a keen dancer up until then ) I got to a ten week pain clinic !

Just started levo so will see if anything changes, good luck X

I do know I am managing it better most likely as the needed vitamins are kicking in!

Babette profile image

Yes! I had painful joints, headaches, fatigue ... when I took levothyroxine. After a two years I started taking T4/T3 but within two weeks was overmedicated so stopped levothyroxine and halved liothyronine.

LAHs profile image

Yes! When I was on Levo I was told exactly what was told to you - go to the arthropod and get an arthritis drug. That was just about the time I started studying all this so I didn't take the arthritis drug, I just bumped my Levo dose and the "arthritis" disappeared. For me it was an inadequate dose of Levo. HOWEVER... I have experimented with my NDT dose and I recreated the same problem when I dropped my dose of NDT to see if my pituitary still worked (result was that yes it still works but feebly). Went back to normal dose and all aches and joint pains disappeared.

activelazy profile image
activelazy in reply to LAHs

You say you bumped levo and joint pain disappeared. How long did it take for it to disappear. I reduced dose 4 weeks ago and stopped it altogether a week ago and the pain in my elbows persists. It's a trial and error i have been on levo for 9 months. Had no problems so far. Can joint pain come after so many months of starting it?

LAHs profile image

I was on ~132mcg Levo and my Endo told me to drop it because my TSH was too low (yes it was low but that was irrelevant). I obediently dropped my dose to 125mcg and started to feel ill - including the joint, bone and muscle pain. It was SO obviously due to the stupid advice I had been given which had rendered me under medicated. I bumped my dose to 135mcg, (a dose I remembered feeling well on previously) and my pains started to subside immediately and were gone altogether within a week.

Now that was on a brand of Levo which seemed to work for me (Forest Pharma). When that brand shut down I never did find another brand/dose of Levo that would work - all of the illnesses and joint/bone/muscle aches returned. I decided to look for another doctor that would put me on NDT. I went cold turkey on the Levo since it appeared to be killing me, I took the full dose of NDT (I did not ramp up) which corresponded to about 125mcg Levo (1.5 grains) the next morning and my pains went away within 20 minutes! I will never look back, I am completely fit now. It is all about your level of T3, that's what you must keep an eye on. Oh, and, of course keep your vitamins and minerals up as explained many times on this site by others.

SophieBella profile image

Yes absolutely it does. On 25mg Im fine, after 2 days on increased dose of 50 mg I am in pain, any longer than that and I can hardly walk. Plus my hand joints hurt too!

Denaj profile image

Just stumbled upon this site because I googled “unbelievable joint pain with levothyroxine.” I’ve never ever had bone pain before except the occasional neck ache from being on the computer too long. Just started Levo a month ago because I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and 2 weeks later my wrists hurt so bad I couldn’t even pull my pants up. Then my neck started in where I can’t turn my head from side to side, then one of my hips went out and now both ankles hurt. I didn’t even think about it being tied to the Levo until someone asked me if i stared taking anything new over the past couple months. Called my doctor and she said she’s never heard of that side-effect, that I should see a rheumatologist or neurologist but don’t stop the Levo. Then I just happened to think about googling it and hundreds upon hundreds of people have this side effect with Levo!!!! Maybe doctors should try googling first before they make their ‘scientific assumptions’ !!! I don’t care what they say, I’m never going near this stuff again. I know your post is old, but I hope you got your problem figured out and are feeling better😊

FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to Denaj

What has the outcome been for you Denaj? How are you now? Are you taking anything? Have your joint pains gone?

ldcasaverde profile image

any updates?

Davenoz profile image

I had a worsening of these symptoms so much so that I don't take T4 anymore. Tried higher and lower doses and liquid /tablet firm. The pain, which is like no other I've experienced. Is particularly bad between the wrists/ hand joints and the ankle/ feet. Also tight muscles at the back of the legs. It was worse at night before falling asleep ( if I could fall asleep at all) I still get it without the T4 now but it's greatly reduced. Seems to happen if I lie down and start to fall asleep after a meal and if my temperature is up. Say I was in bed with a hot water bottle, sometimes. Do you have problems with stomach acid by any chance?

Sangbang profile image

Hello mlaei, I understand that the post is old, but could you please share how you are feeling and if you found any resolution. I am in the exact same situation as you were. 50mcg of Levothyroxine and in a lot of pain. I hope you can provide some suggestions for me. Thank you much!!

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