How do you know, find out or treat blocked receptor cells?
Have been on Levo for 13 years, if you are over treated with it can it cause blocked receptor cells?
How do you know, find out or treat blocked receptor cells?
Have been on Levo for 13 years, if you are over treated with it can it cause blocked receptor cells?
Not the levo itself, no. But, what can happen is, if you don't convert to T3 very well, and your doctor keeps increasing the dose because you still don't feel well, and you therefore have a load of unconverted T4 in your system, it can be converted into rT3.
rT3 isn't dangerous, everybody has some, and if you are ill, or starving, or something, more T4 is converted to rT3 than to free T3, in order to slow the body down, and save energy. And, then, when you're well again, that rT3 is converted to T2, and things go on as normal. But, when your hypo, etc., and things don't work very well anymore, you can end up with excess rT3 which, it is said, can block the receptors and stop the free T3 getting into the cell.
Normally, this will sort itself out in time, if you reduce the T4 and add in a little T3 (very difficult to do in the present climate!). But, if it's really bad, you would need to go onto T3 only for a few months, and take enough to flood the receptors.
The problem is, of course, I doubt you'd find a doctor anywhere that knows anything about any of that!
Yes understand that completely, don't have rT3, but not converting very well.
TSH 0.208
fT3 3.51
fT4 21.2
T3 1.18
Was put on T4/T3 combination (Armour) 4 weeks ago through private doc. No improvement have tried to slowly increase dose from 1/2 a grain but my body won't tolerate it and starts going Hyper (tremble, anxious, headaches, jittery)
I think I am reacting really badly to T4 my symptoms become much worse 2 hours after I have taken tablet T4 and T4/T3. Maybe my body just can't handle T4!!!!
I have balance problems, dizziness, severe fatigue, breathlessness to name but just a few. Have had to stop working, spend most my day on my bed!!!
I think I cold have adrenal problems and possibly need to try just T3.
Am currently reading Recovering WithT3 by Paul Robinson.
Comments please.
I'm afraid those results mean nothing without the ranges. But you certainly look to be a bad converter.
Some of your symptoms sound like nutritional deficiencies. And, that could also be why you're having trouble converting. Have you had your vit D, vit B12, folate and ferritin tested? NDT will not 'work' if they are not all optimal.
GP says Vit D and B12 are fine. Would a GP test Folate and ferritin? Is it best to get these tests done privately? Are the ranges different on the NHS?
Have just completed a course of supplements to support Thyroid function as follows:
Liposomal Glutathione 4floz Readisorb
Patrick Holford Brain Food 1 twice a day for a month
Soya Lecithin 1200mg still taking
Vitamin B12 Nasal Spray
Pro Basan Complete 60g powder
HPA-JA 100ml
rT3 Result 0.46ng/ml Range 0.31-0.95
TSI Result 0.72 IU/L Range <1.75
Thyroglobulin antibodies result <10 Range <115
Thyroid peroxidase antibodies Result 9 IU/ml Range <34
Many thank
It doesn't matter about your GPs opinion on your vits D and B12 - what does he know, anyway! - you need the exact numbers.
Yes, your GP could very well test your folate and ferritin, if he were so inclined.
It doesn't matter if the ranges on private tests are different to ranges on NHS tests, because you interpret the result according to the range given by the lab that did the test.
You really have been taking some junk, haven't you - could have something to do with your symptoms. Your Brain Food not only contains the wrong sort of B12 (it contains cyanocobalamin and you need methylcobalamin) but it also contains soy oil and soy lecithin. Absolutely the wrong things to take if you're hypo. And, on top of that, you're taking extra soy lecithin. Not good at all.
The Pro Basan, I can't find any complete list of ingredients, where it actually gives the amounts of each, but it does seem to contain cyanocobalamin, as well.
HPA-JA is blend of adaptogens. Adaptogens don't suit everyone, and it would be far better to try each one on it's own, to see how you react to it, rather than a bunch of stuff like that.
In general, I'm totally against multis. There's nearly always going to be something that doesn't suit your, or something you don't need. And there's never enough of anything to really help. You should only take what you need, and the amount you need. And, nobody ever suffered from a deficit of soy lecithin.
rT3 Result 0.46ng/ml Range 0.31-0.95
Your rT3 result is low in range. It is usually rT3 over range which may block receptors.
You haven't posted range for FT3 so I can't see whether it is low or not.
How much Levothyroxine are you taking in addition to 1/2 grain NDT and have you tried different makes of Levothyroxine to see whether symptoms improve on a different make?
Have stopped taking Levothyroxine, haven't tried different brand.
So probably not blocked receptors.
My FT3 is 3.51
What will happen if I stop taking Levothyroxine and NDT for a period of time? Want to try and establish if my body just can't handle T4!!
How much Levothyroxine were you taking?
100 mcgs
There is only 19mcg T4 and 4.5mcg T3 in 1/2 grain which is equivalent to 32.5mcg Levothyroxine. You may feel better without 100mcg Levothyroxine for a few days but you are likely to start feeling very hypothyroid after 7-10 days when half of it will be out of your system. Most of the Levothyroxine will be out of your system after 3-4 weeks. If you feel bad after you reintroduce the Levothyroxine it would seem likely that you are intolerant to it and it might be worth switching to NDT. 100mcg Levothyroxine is equivalent to 1.5 grains NDT.
Blocked receptor cells are a consideration and GG had given you a good low down ..... but what about a down regulation of the pituitary-thyroid connection after years of not being diagnosed ? ? .. ( I am guessing.. ) ..
Many suffer from problems in the immune system, pituitary, hypothalamus, adrenals, .... even nutritional deficiencies can effect thyroid activity…. and yet we are all treated the same ! ! ...
It is up to ourselves to discover what makes us tick .... and the first step to address is deficiencies in Vit B12, folate, ferritin and Vit D .... all common in people with low thyroid hormone and essential for good thyroid hormone synthesis.
Post any recent blood test results complete with ranges (numbers in brackets) for members to comment.
My results are;
TSH Result 0.208 Range 0.270 - 4.200
FT3 Result 3.51 Range 3.74 - 6.11
FT4 Result 21.2 Range 11.5 - 19.6
T3 Result 1.18 Range 1.30 - 3.10
T4 Result 107.8 Range 66.0 - 181.0
T3 uptake 30% Range 24.0 - 34.0
Do not have Reverse T3
TSI normal
Thyroid peroxidase antibodies normal
Throglobulin antibodies normal
Was on LevoT4 for 13 years 100mcgs, had horrendous side effects, got much worse 2 hours after taking it. Dizzy, balance problems, chronic fatigue, breathless, chest pain, feel like I am going to collapse.
Started taking Armour t4/t3 approximately 1 month ago still get same symptoms as when on Levo T4 about 2 hours after taking it.
Before I have taken T4 or T4/T3 still feel very unwell before I have taken it, symptoms just become more severe and intense 2 hours after tablet.
I have become very pale, black underneath my eyes, poor appetite and am nearly house bound.
Had to give up my job due to no energy.
Am seeing private doctor who says if next blood test comes back with results within the ranges then it is NOT my thyroid!!!! I think I am having really bad reaction to T4 and possibly have Adrenal problems.
Have had cortisol blood test (waiting for result) private doctor says need saliva cortisol tests done.
Comments apprecitated
With all the above and difficulties with medication how is your gut?
I am wheat, gluten and dairy sensitive, have been for 12 years. Am just waiting for results of leaky gut test through private doc in Exeter who has put me on T4/T3 (armour).
Don't know whether to stay with doc in Exeter, charging a fortune and no better.
I still strongly believe I am not able to tolerate T4 in any form due to how I react 2 hours after taking it.
What happens if I stop taking it?
What is the leaky gut test? Have you done stool analysis? I worked on my diet for years and discovered bad infection that needed antibiotics to sort. Had SIBO and leaky gut but diet alone simply wasn't going to do it. Also if you are sensitive is armour the best dissicated Thyroid? WP is the most hypoallergenic. Just a thought.
Leaky gut is a blood test. Have had no stool analysis. How did you find out you had infection in your gut? What is WP?