Just wondered if anyone knows of any current petitions and/or polls trying to highlight the vital need for t3 to remain on prescription.?
Any current petitions/polls re t3 situation? - Thyroid UK
Any current petitions/polls re t3 situation?

if you email louise.roberts@thyroiduk.org.uk. She is Lyn Mynott's assistant and they are always working behind the scenes, so to speak, to try to get attitudes changed by Endocrinologists/doctors. We also have very good Advisers too.
There is also a Petition before the Scottish Parliament and a lot of background work has already taken place by TUK and most of us have filled in forms etc. It is still onging and it is Lorraine Cleaver's Petition as she could see no way forward except suicide and she was only saved by, as a last resort, coming onto this forum and seeing Dr Skinner and prescribed NDT and it is anger that draws her and most other members that they were so mis-treated and left to get on with it themselves.
Thyroiduk.org.uk are always at work behind the scenes.
Another woman, last year, did commit suicide but before she did she wrote a letter to the Coroner about her reasons for doing so - never getting better etc but I assume they would not publish something like that and probably think 'whilst the balance of her mind was disturbed' and I doubt it would be published.
Hi again, shaws , I will email Louise, I did email her a couple of times recently. I've been signing everything I can regarding this and writing to whoever I can think of, but, funnily enough, not getting very far! Awaiting local mp's response, she is due in our village end of next week - I had a response this last week (having emailed the second time) to say she is speaking to Health minister before responding - so expecting a 'party line' but no doubt this response will not arrive before her visit!
It is so awful to think that people can contemplate suicide, and actually go ahead with it, though I'm sure most of us have been close if not there. Many a time to be found outside Gp's in tears!
unfortunately the small minded 'powers that be', if they were to publicise it, would only use it to prove how hypoT's are 'depressed' and 'disturbed of mind' as you say.
It would take a mass suicide for anyone to take any note! And that would do no one any good! Especially if they are trying to be rid of us anyway - would be playing into their hands!
I wonder just how much is known about the actual figures where this forum is concerned. I must ask Louise and Co. I wonder if we could publicise how many on here, have been a) unable to get a diagnosis despite symptoms/self medicating; b) diagnosed and on t4 - and struggling; c) on NDT; d) on T3 T4 mix, still struggling e) on t3 only. Obviously we would need to know how many in UK - how many might have even left UK looking for help!
- might also highlight better places to live - we might all be heading there...LOL
Seriously, if we could show there is enough people in these situations, would someone listen? Trouble is 55,000 on here not being heard. Maybe together we could make a difference - strength in numbers.
Perhaps is someone could send out an email form of some sort asking all members to complete their basic circumstances. Could be anonymous. Most don't have the energy left to stand up and fight - the medics know that...they know what they are doing to us...it is a choice to ignore us and belittle us rather than admit their failings. But numbers might speak for themselves?
Am I living in cloud cuckoo land?
I worry for the next generations, if we let them remove t3 - because that is the ultimate goal, what will our children and grand children do. My son is struggling, he has already started on Adrenal support and now on thyroid support. Because the next step will be to block the import of NDT and such from abroad.
Hi Ursap, I signed this one.
Link to website is healthunlocked.com/api/redi...
Then search thyroid and it comes up
You could complete an online form to the CMA (Competition & Markets Authority). There have been posts about hypo's sending in their forms about Concordia overcharging the NHS for T3.
You have to write your own story explaining why you need T3 instead of T4. Many of us have already done this. Sorry, I can't get to a link where it was discussed at length a week or so ago. Perhaps if you put CMA into the Search Thyroid UK box at the top it will come up