I thought this article explains quite well how functional medicine approaches auto-immune disease, as compared to conventional medicine. It's written by Amy Myers, who is a respected practitioner. I like the Pie Chart (Gluten free, of course).
Auto-Immunity explained: I thought this article... - Thyroid UK
Auto-Immunity explained
One aspect it doesn't consider, and I think it crucial, is the outcome of pregnancy. I believe that sometimes the genetic mix between male donor and female recipient makes a foetus whose genetics can interefere with and ultimately challenge the mother's genetic/immunological makeup. This may happen during, or after delivery. There are too many reports of women becoming Hashimoto's after pregnancy or even during it to be just coincidence. My wife got this two years after the birth of our second (male) child and I feel that this ought to be followed up as a likelihood investigation to see if it holds water.
Hi D, an interesting point. Genetics in the thyroid sense certainly seems to be female orientated, because women are more likely to suffer from it. Have you looked at PubMed to see if any research has been done?
Has the relationship between female sex hormone levels and thyroid disorders been teased out? My probs really kicked off at menopause (common, I think) and US doctor gave me Armour and bio-identical hormone and within a few weeks I was so much better.
I commented a few weeks back that I was fine on Levo until menopause and someone mentioned they had seen a lot of threads things going off at that time so again another hormone shift and a female thing.
Hi, Someone mentioned that you have a functional medicine practitioner here in the UK that you are happy with. Are you able to give me the details?
Dr. Sarah Davies, she practices in Manchester. drsarahdavies.com. Very good on hormones, especially thyroid and adrenals. Does thorough testing. Very knowledgeable on bio-chemstry. Keen on the Auto-Immune Protocol and gut issues in relation to thyroid disease. She is keen on supplements! Very nice person. Treats you like a human being and yes, she is a Doctor - a General Practitioner in fact.