New member looking for similar alliments - Thyroid UK

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New member looking for similar alliments

Suzieva profile image
40 Replies

Hi Iam new on here.

Genuinely interested in other thyroid suffers problems, brought on by your condition. Particularly joint problems.

Lock-in coward to hearing from you

Susan age 55

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Suzieva profile image
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40 Replies
Bioluminence profile image

Hello susan, I'm of a similar age and menopause has hit me like a freight train! :-( add to that the ongoing thyroid issues its not pleasant...I too get joint pains of varying degrees, I've been advised to keep iron levels optimised ( do you know what yours are?) vitamin D, magnesium and zinc....but most importantly vitamin B12 complex!! a friend ( from this forum) advised me that we need to keep our levels of vitamin B12 above what is recommended! the body tolerates high doses and its excreted in your urine so no worries about overdose! its great for CFS ( chronic fatigue syndrome) but pretty much all ladies of a certain age should be keeping this optimised!! ;-)

i guess all we can do is supplement, eat well, exercise is VERY important even if you dont feel like it...ive taken up yoga in recent years as i quit the gym ( no energy and joint pains!!) and yoga is absolutely wonderful!

let me know how you get on :-) xx

Suzieva profile image
Suzieva in reply to Bioluminence

Thankyou for your speedy reply.

I had a hysterectomy about 7yrs ago and went onto HRT. I came off it after 2yrs and to be honest that's when my troubles began.

Haven't investigated levels of iron and vit B but do take supplements .

I do agree with you about the keeping fit have a small gym set up in one of my rooms and go to palites and Zumba..( well attempt Zumba).

I have just been diagnosed with a frozen shoulder so Iam finding excersice quite painful Atm..

Also have really painful right elbow and plantar fasciitis in my right foot, along with these I suffer from constant lower back pain.

Sound like a real hypochondriac !!!!!

My Dr says its just coincidence and nothing to do with thyroid...but reading some of the other members comments just got me to thinking that there is some sort of link.

I will investigate about my vitamin reading etc.

Thankyou again and hope you carry on being well

Susa x

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Suzieva

Plantar facilitis is a clinical symptom as are pains/achies. I reckon you might need an increase in your levothyroxine or whatever thyroid hormone replacement you take.

You might be surprised how many symptoms there are and I doubt doctors know one or two.

Suzieva profile image
Suzieva in reply to shaws

Thankyou For replying .. I will increase Levothroxine or at least go back to GP and let him know I have done some investigating ..Iam on 150@ the mo and thought that was quite high .

Thankyou also for link ..Things might start looking a bit more positive now I know it could be linked.

Susan X 😀

webar4780 profile image
webar4780 in reply to Suzieva

Suzie, so very sorry to hear you suffering pain of frozen shoulder. I suffered same around ten years ago. I remember the pain as excruciating! (When I gave birth to my 3 children I had no pain relief whatsoever). I know I have high pain threshold. I did have 2 steroid injections for the shoulder pain as I could not do my job without them (nursing). I eventually had manipulation under anaesthetic because orthopaedic consultant told me frozen shoulder would resolve within 2 years. I didn't wait as I wanted to continue working. The procedure worked very well. Though I am not suggesting you do the same. Exercise does help but I was in too much pain. I wish you a very speedy recovery. Take care. Frozen shoulder equates to OUCH! In my memory lol

Bioluminence profile image
Bioluminence in reply to Suzieva

Hi Susa how are you doing?

Pastille profile image

Frozen shoulder is a common hypo symptom. I have it myself a lot and didn't connect it to being hypo for a while. It does seem to have eased off with medication increases and magnesium.

If I can find the link I will pass it on (link below)

UrsaP profile image
UrsaP in reply to Pastille

I didn't even think about frozen shoulder as a hypo symptom! Or the feet problems people are talking about - I have struggled with frozen shoulder, and seriously swollen feet, with dreadful pain along the outer edge, along with general fibromyalgia and migraines, the latter two I believe were the result of problems with the 'uptake' of meds within the body, i.e. unable to convert t4 to t3, and/or underlying adrenal dysfunction, inhibiting uptake. I never associated the shoulder and feet issues.

I have had osteopathic treatment for the shoulder before, it worked - and acupuncture for both shoulder and feet (and thyroid generally) seemed to help feet and shoulder. But did nothing for the fibromyalgia - much to the practitioners dismay - but since chemist sourced a different supplier of t3 the fibro disappeared. Something in t3 not agreeing with me - was given in little white box, so no idea of make.

I haven't had the shoulder problem for a while now and the feet have settled too - recently changed to a different brand of T3 - sorted fibro, and migraines- so far.

Do take into consideration adrenal impact, how if compromised it can impact on whatever you are taking, stop your body using the meds correctly, might end up becoming toxic - hence things like fibro etc...

Pastille profile image
Pastille in reply to UrsaP

Interesting. I really didn't associate it myself, I was very surprised, and a bit relieved actually.

But I am feeling quite a bit of pain lately, knees, fingers, wrists. Stabbing pains in my wrists are awful, it wakes me up in shock. And weirdly the bottom part of both of my middle fingers on each hand from after the last joint downward, I can't put any pressure on them. ( prob CTS)

You probably didn't need to know that but always worth mentioning incase somebody knows and wants to help :)

UrsaP profile image
UrsaP in reply to Pastille

Adrenals was something I would not have know to associate up until 7 years ago. But, as there are so many things that can affect how we are or how we use meds etc it can be so confusing. It does need someone who really sees the big picture to put it all together. I'm wondering if the arthritis in my fingers is related to the adrenal disfunction rather than thyroid - I'm thinking that my knuckles started to 'blow' up around the last time I had very low adrenal reserve...just never connected that! I suppose everything is 'connected' in some way...

Pastille profile image
Pastille in reply to UrsaP

It is, and it never flipping ends. I do have osteoarthritis, as the hospital have told me whilst X-raying to look at another condition but I can't say I suffer with actual bone pain that much. It's Just very recent really.

I suppose the finger pain is probably osteoarthritis and the wrist, carpal tunnel, who knows!

As for adrenals I am convinced they are out, I can't cope with stress at all.

Ah well, can't afford to have adrenals tested right now so it will have to wait, then antibodies. It's a dear do being unwell, and I certainly can't afford to die just yet :) Thanks

UrsaP profile image
UrsaP in reply to Pastille

I saw Dr P this last week, with my son, he reckoned that my son was so, obviously, presenting with adrenal failings that he said he didn't see any need for the tests. Hopefully his thyroid is functioning ok - raised TSH due to low adrenals. I had test done myself 7 years ago - adrenal fatigue - which, of course, most GP's won't accept. Guess the ones that do have probably experienced it themselves and know it does exist and can be very debilitating! Life destroying! Dr P also didn't see much point in antibodies is something I wondered about getting, Don't know if I ahve ever been tested but Dr P pointed out that Hashi's is a cause of Hypothyroid, already know I am hypo so no real point in that either.

These tests are not cheap. Do you really need them? If you have all the symptoms? Maybe push your GP for a full 'clinical' test if nothing else, or look at safe supplements? Even if I knew what meds you are already on I wouldn't like to say take this or that - I'm not qualified. But, under the guidance of Dr P, I take Nutri Adrenal Extra - at one point was on 4 tabs a day - but reduced it as felt the need had subsided - but Dr P saying slowly increase again - I think it is one of those things that you have to do carefully. Preferably with medical support of some sort? I hope you get the help you need soon and get sorted.

Pastille profile image
Pastille in reply to UrsaP

That's so good about your son and Dr.P. I don't really see the point in paying for an antibodies test myself to be honest unless I really had the money spare and then it would just be to clarify, just to know.

I didn't know that low adrenals raised TSH!

I'd actually like to have the saliva adrenal test done, just so I know. I'm quite sure though, I have the lines in the skin at the end of my fingers, I startle easily, I just feel very fragile basically, compared to my usual self, I have extreme bouts of insomnia and have to work at night at the moment as I just can't function on 'normal' day to day hours.

My reactions to things are extreme. My granddaughter fell and hit her face on something on her birthday (she's only 2). She didn't actually hurt herself, her dummy shielded her, but I went into a weird state of shock, had a strange feeling in my chest all night like running water, and I haven't been the same since. I know this might sound dramatic, but you know when your body's reactions are becoming more extreme/intense whatever.

Anyway, I did try some ashwaghanda ( not the best quality ) and I had a dizzy spell that lasted ages. It might not have been that but that was the only thing I had done differently so I didn't take anymore.

My T4 was also switched from actavis to mercury pharma recently as I changed chemist to one nearer to home, I was using the one near the surgery. I must change that back I think.

I'd love to see Dr.P

I hope your son is okay now and continues to do well x

UrsaP profile image
UrsaP in reply to Pastille

Just my opinion, but I'd be spending the money on actually seeing Dr P rather than getting tests. If clinical signs are clear enough tests may not be necessary.

It doesn't sound any more dramatic than it actually is. And it is scary. And the worry will not be helping either...vicious circle! I know what you mean about extreme reactions. I've had a couple when adrenals have been at worst - Walked into a hotel room on holiday, one time, 5th floor, dark, went onto balcony and legs went to mush! Couldn't stay in room - hubby thought I was joking- I wasn't ! Vertigo/panic attack... night palpitations, shaking when someone says 'boo'; over-reacting to stress situations. Insomnia is one of common symptoms.

I think from what you have said you do need to insist on GP doing cortisol tests - it sounds like your adrenals could very well be compromised - And if you do get tested, check out the levels yourself, my gp told me 'normal - no further action' (That winds me up - frustrating! Especially as symptoms persist and increase!) When specialist said 'actually borderline' and Dr P said that saying Borderline a major improvement!

I'm a bit of a believer in going to your gp, armed with options for testing/treating, telling them what you want - they will find it hard to refuse, if you prove to have condition later and they have refused you tests or treatment aren't they leaving themselves open?If they won't, ask to be referred to someone who can and will. And don't make the mistake I made, make sure they refer you to a decent endocrinologist. Not like me being referred to a blood specialist who looked at a bit of paper! Just like the gp! Are we not entitled to ask for a 2nd opinion.

I think if you have symptoms of thyroid but bloods normal or slightly raised can be indicative of adrenal deficiency. That was the case with my son, and myself.

And thank you, we only saw Dr P last week, so early days for my son, any myself. I have every faith. I just got out of sync and hopefully he has got me going back in the right direction too, but it does take time.

Pastille profile image
Pastille in reply to UrsaP

Thanks so much for the chat, I think I am definitely going to take your advice about Dr.P or at least insisting with my own GP until I can.

I'm so glad you said it as sometimes we just need that little push don't we or we just plod on living half a life!

I'm glad you're getting sorted

I hope you both continue to do well

Take care x

UrsaP profile image
UrsaP in reply to Pastille

Thank you. I have every confidence that we will both get there, with the help of Dr P. And you are right, we get so 'bogged' down with feeling grotty that we just keep pushing on, not realising that we don't have to live a half life. It is very hard when you are already at such a low ebb with your health, to stand up and be heard...seems that just when you do need Dr's most they stop listening. But find that strength from somewhere when you are seeing your Dr. If he can't help you ask him to send you to someone who can. My 'specialist' having decided he didn't want to change meds as already levels low, sent me to a psychoanalyst. Cost me, not covered on health plan! (Surprise!) but was worth it as he agreed that my problems were medical not in my head...Dr cannot now tell me I'm depressed or a hypochondriac... So even if they think that your problems are in your mind, get them to get you help...that 'help' might just prove your point as it did mine. Then they have to take you seriously. A friend has just said to me that we should not leave the Dr surgery without them doing 'something' for us. (As I'm sure many of us often do - made to feel like we are wasting their time!) If you can take a sympathetic other with you to appointments, someone who can speak for you and/or prompt you to mention everything connected. Best of luck. I hope you find the help you need soon.

Camilla23 profile image
Camilla23 in reply to Pastille

Before levothyroxine I had wrist pains that I attributed to carrying too heavy shopping bags, knee pains that I awoke with thinking I had slept awkwardly and foot pains that I put down to poorly fitting shoes. Now I know all the problems can be sorted with the right dose.

Pastille profile image

spongecat profile image

I had frozen shoulder prior to diagnosis. One shoulder took almost a year to resolve, then the other shoulder joined the party. Deep joy! I didn't want joint injections as the condition resolves on its own eventually. Gentle range-of-motion exercises help if you can bear it. :)

In fact following Pastille's link, this is exactly the exercises the physio got me to do. Husband thought I had lost it when doing the "finger walk" up the wall. :D

Suzieva profile image
Suzieva in reply to spongecat

Very interesting to see that it says about thyroid patients.

Thankyou for sending this

Susan x

Suzieva profile image

No don't fancy any sort of injections.. I would rather do the excersice.

Hope the other dos the start alreDy have tennis elbow in that right arm Argghhhh ..

Thankyou for reply

And Thankyou for link it's very informative

Susan x

Pastille profile image
Pastille in reply to Suzieva

I did invest in a big v shape pillow from Argos. It gives me some comfort. Stops me slouching when I'm reading which does help it a bit :)

Suzieva profile image
Suzieva in reply to Pastille

Oh I watched a video on how to prepare your pillows ..Honestly there were more pillows than bed space I'll try and find the link.. Also have v pillow used it last be fair it did help, I am most comfortable on my back ...but it's not so good for partner has I snore :-( X

UrsaP profile image
UrsaP in reply to Suzieva

For frozen shoulder I can recommend Osteopathy or acupuncture...have used both. Quick fix. (didn't realise until joining this forum last week, that it was linked to condition)

humanbean profile image

Why are you looking for general information on ailments that other people suffer? Are you doing some kind of survey?

Suzieva profile image
Suzieva in reply to humanbean

Thankyou for replying

Unfortunately I have never seen the results and therefore in the dark about my levels...that's why Iam trying to get other people's insight to my own predicament to start making changes with medications etc.

Hadn't realised there was so much to take in and a lot I don't understand.

I just have a small villiage Dr's practice so don't get a lot of information from them.

Susan x

Marz profile image

Could you share your most recent results for your thyroid. It would seem possible that you are not converting the 150 mcg Levo/T4 into Active T3.

What other meds do you take and supplements ? Do you have gut issues ? Apologies for the questions but no info on your Profile .....

Suzieva profile image
Suzieva in reply to Marz

No apologies needed.. Has I explained to the wrong person (sorry about that) I have never seen results, was just told they were coming up? My fault should of asked more questions.

Iam on HRT (solo) also just to add to everything else a Barrett's esophagus so take esomeprazole 20mg..and I take Amitripyline 20mg..for lower back pain (quite a cocktail) plus my Levothroxine 150

Iam not sure about what people are talking about when they are quoting T3 T5 etc.. Something else I need to study..

It's been quite an eye opener this site, but just made me realise how much I don't understand about the condition ..

Susan xx

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Suzieva

Here is the main website of this forum - where you can learn everything about the Thyroid and the meaning of FT4 and FT3 :-)

Above I asked if you have your Thyroid bloodtest results - do you have copies ? You are legally entitled to them. You also need to have the B12 tested - are you supplementing ? Omprazole inhibits the uptake of B12 in the stomach - along with other vital nutrients.

Also have tests for VitD - Ferritin - Folate along with the B12. Your Levo/T4 medication will work much better when all those levels are OPTIMAL and not bumping along the bottom of the range.

Keep asking questions - and do lots of reading - it is the only way to find wellness :-)

Pauline10 profile image

Hi Susan I've just been diagnosed for underactive thyroid 5 days ago. Since taking the Levothyroxine changes have started happening already, especially my joints. I used to walk up the stairs having to hold on to both bannisters stooped, it was painful, at the back of my knees. I felt like 80 odd, I've only just reached 60 ! But yesterday I was able to go up and down several times and even carried a number of items going up with no assistance. My knees are feeling much better and my balance is coming back. The medicine is obviously working. It's amazing. I hope to be able to start power walking again as I shouldn't have the pain I was experiencing. Since October a gym has been mainly the exercise I've used as the running machine didn't aggravate the problem, I have briskly walked! Also using weighs helped slightly. Now my body will be more flexible, hopefully. Hope you feel much better soon.

Regards Pauline

Suzieva profile image
Suzieva in reply to Pauline10

Hi when I was first diagnosed I was pretty weary . Hair falling out ..absolutely shattered . Every single bone ached.

The Dr said I had an extremely low count and my cholesterol was sky high.

Started me on 200 Levothroxine and within a week I could see a massive difference..

It's just within the last year these other all alliments have started to occur and when I have looked at other suffers Comments most of them have thyroid issues.

Glad your feeling better ...hope it continues to help

Susan X

Pastille profile image
Pastille in reply to Suzieva

200??!! Omg, I'm surprised it didn't kill you! That's a whopping starter dose

Pauline10 profile image
Pauline10 in reply to Suzieva

Thanks Susan, My hair had become thinner. I spoke to my hairdresser as I thought I was going bald as well. There was just a small area at the front that was affected but she kept on telling me I wasn't. At least I know nw I wasn't becoming paranoid!!!

UrsaP profile image
UrsaP in reply to Pauline10

Some years ago I had a bald patch on the back of my head that I was not aware of until I went to get my hair cut! This thyroid lark has a lot to answer for!

judburke profile image

I would get tested for D3 - when mine is low my joints ache. It can be common for us with thyroid issues to be low in D3 and especially worse in the winter. Look up the symptoms for low D3

I have one finger with no cartilage, others starting to be affected, have OA in neck and fingers, have had a torn rotator cuff which took 18m to heal, upper spine compressed discs, inflammation central and sacro iliac weakness, recently started with achy hips. Happy days!

Suzieva profile image
Suzieva in reply to

Hi so sorry that you have all these alliments.

Are they all due to your thyroid problem.?

Susan x

in reply to Suzieva

Hi! I know when my meds are optimum my pain levels are improved.

Suzieva profile image

So with the replies I have recived .. I shall get back to the GP.. Ask for repeat bloods and see them !! And work on that information..

Wish me luck.. Thankyou for all replies they are more than useful

Susan xx

in reply to Suzieva

Fingers and toes crossed for you Suzieva.

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