HI again... not been here for a while..ok can i ask anyone here who was first diagnosed with a suspicious malignant nodule to be then tole it could be a pusuedonodule .. then find it was malignant after all..? please help with this as d so fed up of been messed about .. thank youssssss xx
THYROID NODULES : HI again... not been here for a... - Thyroid UK

It isn't always possible to conclusively determine whether a nodule is benign or malignant from a fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNA) but the larger sample from the removed tumour enables a conclusive diagnosis.
My FNA was benign but when the tumour was examined in histopathology Hurthle cell carcinoma was diagnosed and I had completion thyroidectomy 3 months later.
This is scary Clutter for me - I was told by GP via telephone on 19th that she'd not heard back from endocrinologist so was going to nudge them with TPO results she called back on 21st to say they'd now got back to her and that I was Hyperthyroid- had multi nodules on thyroid and for me to have a scan which she booked there and then - couple of days later got a letter for scan 28th - radiologist said normal takes about 10 days but to call surgery on Friday (yesterday) which I did and results are back but GP hasn't looked at them yet so hasn't commented on them and to call back on Tuesday - thing is I used to be a nurse and for me this is like bang bang bang if you get what I mean / obviously I am thinking the worst - how did you get on etc and are you clear now. Hope you have a lovely New Year 😘

A scan won't tell whether a nodule is benign or malignant. If the scan shows a nodule has suspicious characteristics and the nodule is >1.5cm you will probably be referred for fine needle aspiration biopsy. 95% of thyroid nodules are benign. If you are hypothyroid it is possible that one or more of the nodules is 'hot' and secreting hormone. Hot nodules are rarely malignant.
Best wishes for a healthy and Happy New Year.
Thanks Clutter glad I asked as I've been worrying since this has all took off.
Clutter please a question in what cases the doctor has to sospiciuos to malignant nodules if the FNA is negative? How do we know that even the GNA is negative we can have a hidden thyrod cáncer?
If the FNA is negative there is no reason to be suspicious the nodule is malignant. If the FNA is inconclusive the FNA can be repeated. Some people have a hemilobectomy after 3 inconclusive FNA biopsies and examination of the tumour in histopathology will conclusively determine whether the nodule is benign or malignant.
Me to I'm going back to dr because mine is still growing they said it's just a syst but it's getting too big for my throat so Im going to ask for another scan
I had multinodular goitre which was negative on fna and whilst my thyroid was working I was reluctant for surgery. Eventually I had a TT as I had compression of my trachea and oesophagus causing problems. On surgery one of the nodules was found to be malignant plus a lymph node. I had one course of radioactive iodine and am monitored yearly. The treatment was much less traumatic than I expected and it has a very high success rate. Any problems are with managing the hypothyroid state you are left with. 2 1/2 years on I am ok , working and back to most activities. I have found this forum and its members to be very helpful and supportive. If your scan is suspicious the next step is fine needle aspiration, uncomfortable but ok. I wish you well and try to relax over the next couple of days.
Hello... First of all please excuse my english, when I read your testimony I had panic because i was doagnostiqued with Hashimoto 2007 and found like 4 nodules FNA was negative and i have been reciving treatment since 2007 ebery time i went to the endo touched my neck and said it was little and never more had a New test to see my nodules,all this years i am suffering compression of my trachea and oesophaguss problems i cant breath, I want to know what means "TT" ? what kind of test it is as here where I live doctors seems they dont associatted this trachea opression with thyrod problems, theu associatte it with reflux, other question very important for me is to know how much time did you feel that opression on your throat?? as i have been feeling it like 6 years ago and now is worst, and if it is malignant in 6 years I cant imagine how I would be inside! So the question is always a person feels throat opression are caused by malignant nodules or also can be benignes? I am dyeing of anguish since today is hollyday and to reserve an appointment with a dr takes more than 20 days.. Thanks
Sorry I didn't mean to frighten you. Only one of my nodules was cancerous I had 6 in total, I had waited 6 years between first diagnosis and then surgery. TT is total thyroidectomy, my thyroid was compressing my trachea if I laid flat I couldn't breathe therefore it had to come out. I am now on levothyroxine and liothyronine replacement for life. Most thyroid cancers are very slow growing and respond very well to treatment. A delay of 20 days to see a doctor is unlikely to be significant. Please don't panic take care.
Thank you for your Quick answer, but i would like to know if touching your neck they could notice a lump? What size it was? big? After you told the doctor about the opression you felt on your throat trough what kind of test he decided he had to go to a surgery? And how much time you felt that opression on your troath? Excuse my questiond but i continúe in panic i dont know where to begin?
I had yearly ultrasound scans to check the size of the nodules and in the final year I had respiratory function tests which confirmed narrowing of my trachea (windpipe) and a barium swallow which showed the compression on my oesophagus therefore I had my thyroid removed. Have you ever had an ultrasound scan?
No never, since 2007 that i had my negative results of FNA in 4 nodules of 7 mm 3 mmi didnt do any New test the doctors only touched me neck and said my thyrod was little, so no tests or scans, but since 5 or 6 years I began to feel opression on my troath at the extreme that stand up I cant breath but as i also have a diagnostic of acid reflux and chronic esophagitis they focused their attention on it , now that i read your testimony I am complete scare and in panic, here the doctors is very difficult they investigate so i have to suggest them anf i do t know where to begin
you had FNA on a 7mm nodule..? my ent doc said no to this to me... said it was to hazardous.? now im really confused
I was reading my tests of 2007 and i had several nodules from 3 mm to 10 mm and dr ordered a FNA biopsy it was negative, i think on the entire world the size of the nodules are the same... I am scare because since 2007 any doctor ordeted me a New scan they only touched me the neck and said my thyrod is small but since 5 years ago i feel i cant breath with a pression in my troath and everybody focused in acid reflux esophagus now after 9 years i read the testimony of a person Who felt this opression in her trachea like me, and even her FNA was negative 6 years later they retired her thyrod snd was a malignant lump pressing her oesophagus And of course I am in panic now, if the FNA is not something to trust 100%... From where I begin?
Juls I had a malignant nodule and had complete removal of thyroid I'm fine now. Xxx