Hello all. My tag is .14 and my free t3 is 4.0 with my free t4 being 1.6. When I started in mess my tsh was between 4-5.0 but was taking red maca everyday which I think might have been messing up my thyroid. My concern is I didn't feel good on less meds and now that my tsh is so low will my doctor try to reduce my t4? My question is we're my numbers really bad to begin with. Any input on any of this would help. Are there others that feel like they maybe shouldn't have started thyroid meds yet and Has anyone stopped the meds and been successful off of them.
Should I be on more, less or no meds??? - Thyroid UK
Should I be on more, less or no meds???

You are very lucky to have found a GP that started you on meds when your THS was 4-5.0, that being said you may not have gotten the full "hypo" experience, my THS was in the hundreds when I was diagnosed, I had put on 8 stone was clinically depressed and had developed T2 diabetes. I had literally ground to a halt. My skin was so dry it would crack and bleed my voice was hoarse I was constantly ill my joints hurt my muscles ached. my lights were still on! but there was defiantly no one home... I could continue but maybe you get my drift. When you have suffered the full "hypo" experience you would never ever think about not taking your meds.....
Your tshisn't low for someone on thyroid meds, your other levels aren't bad either so I would say there is no reason for your doctor to lower your meds. However, it would be helpful if you could say what meds at what dose you are taking so those with more knowledge than I can point you in the right direction. It would also be helpful to them if y ou could list any ithe test results you have please. Unfortunately, if you need thyroid meds then its a life long commitment, getting them right is also a battle, good luck
Can you post the lab ref ranges to FT4 and FT3 (they are the figures in brackets after results) to help members interpret your thyroid levels? Some doctors will try to reduce dose when TSH is below range but as long as FT4 and FT3 are within range you are not over medicated. Read Treatment Options in thyroiduk.org.uk/tuk/about_...
TSH is irrelevant when on any sort of thyroid replacement.
Glynisrose Would you mind expanding on that? I was diagnosed 6 months ago. Since the initial blood test where FT4, TSH and antibodies were measured, the last two tests since starting levothyroxine have only had TSH measured. This doesn't seem right to me, as I know my GP is looking purely at the TSH figure to decide when I am adequately medicated in her opinion.
I actually have an appointment in a couple of hours to get my latest blood test results. I just know that again, only TSH will have been measured, and it will probably be in range. I'm not comfortable with a one-off TSH value being used as the basis for deciding my treatment. I'd like to be able to argue my point eloquently with her
thyroid peroxidase is 1 with ref range of <9 IU/mL
T4, FREE 1.6 Ref Range of 0.8-1.8 ng/dL
TSH 0.14 L Ref Range 0.4-4.5 mIU/L
T3,FREE 4.0 Ref Range 2.3-4.2 pg/mL
Your low thyroid peroxidase may be your problem. You may not need thyroid hormone but may need certain minerals and vitamins which may not be being absorbed due to H.Pylori. This man explains.
Thanks for the link. I have just started trying to cut more gluten and sugars. I see dr on Monday. I didn't realize that number was low.
He points out other reasons for low thyroid symptoms. Figuring out what is going on with you takes some investigation. he mentions the h.pylori test...... possibly interfering with absorption and thus you are low on minerals. Selenium has always been recommended in your situation. He also discusses progesterone deficiency because often women have estrogen dominance and insulin resistance which will interfere with any thyroid hormone from being effective. It's good if you can check out some of these avenues.
I would recommend that all hypo and hyper thyroid sufferers including those with Hashimotos make sure they read Amy Myers M.D. The Thyroid Connection. It explains everything & gives answers to most if not all questions above. What I like best about this book which I am half way thru is that it explains everything that your doctor doesn't know or doesn't have time to explain. Ozthyroid