Hi Everyone. I haven't posted for ages as I've been doing so well since the spring on 2 grains of ThyroidS and 5000mcg of B12 every day.
However, I've started to get that afternoon dip again Yawning at 3-4pm and just wanting to sleep, nothing as bad as it was before on no B12 and Levo!!
My question is this - is it possible my need for NDT has risen? Can that happen? Does the cold weather have anything to do with it? (I'm in the north of England) Would it be ok to try another 1/4 of ThyroidS?
I haven't told my GP yet what I'm doing. I'm waiting until I get called in for my annual blood test for my thyroid, although I'm not sure whether that is triggered by time or by the number of Levo prescriptions I've asked for.
Thanks all xx