I went to see Dr Peatfield many years ago before he retired and was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid. I got a prescription from him since he was registered then and take Nature Thyroid every day 3 grains and Nutri Adrenal and Nutri Thyroid. The thing is a long time ago we showed our NHS Doc the results of spit tests and urine test over a 24 hr period and he agreed at the time that I had an underactive thyroid. He even went on to offer me Thyroxine which I refused. Now because we had gone in with scientific proof he told us he was going to put it on my Medical Records that I did indeed have an underactive Thyroid and we have subsequently found out he never did that despite the evidence we gave him. How do I get this remedied now? Dr Peatfield has since retired and although still practising (Privately) he cannot prescribe medicine now since he is no longer registered. I don't have a problem with that since I got a Prescription from him when he was still practising and therefore licenced and manage to get my medication now and will for life from a medical clinic based in the USA. What I do want though is an acknowledgement on my NHS Medical Records that I do in fact have an underactive thyroid and that seems to be missing. How do I rectify this situation?
Getting Diagnosis already made accepted by the ... - Thyroid UK
Getting Diagnosis already made accepted by the NHS and recorded on records, is proving to be very difficult indeed.

You can have your thyroid tested privately through Blue Horizon. Thyroid Plus 11 is the most popular one. Go to the main website of Thyroid UK
Scroll through menu on left hand side for Testing. The test will also include Ferritin - Folate - B12 - VitD which are vital. The test kit can be sent to your home for a finger prick
Have you asked your GP for full thyroid testing ?
I'm not sure you will get a NHS diagnosis without stopping taking 3 grains to show high TSH and low FT4 and FT3. You could simply write to your practice attaching your thyroid test results, say you are taking 180mg NatureThroid (include PIL to explain what it is) and ask for the information to be included on your medical record.
My experience of having a private thyroid test was that when I took the results to my GP he would not treat me until I was tested under the NHS system. He said that they couldn't treat on the results of another laboratory or organisation, but this may not apply to you as you had already been diagnosed by an NHS GP. Presumably you don't have the test results from the original diagnosis that you can ask to be put on your records.