I have been forced to see an endo to review my T3 only medication due to the issues with CCGs. I thought he was reasonably sympathetic as he seems happy for me to stay T3 only, until I read his letter to my GP, and now I am feeling very upset.
He found my TSH levels 'alarming' as they are under the range and he wants to bring them back in range (though happy for them to be at the bottom). He also was not happy that my last official FT3 showed above range (I was tested unexpectedly just after I took my T3 dose, so retested at my own expense and did not take the dose beforehand and was then under range).
I have agreed to try and lower my dose and see how I am - so far have taken my 55 daily mcg (spread over 3 doses) to 45 mcg x 3 doses, and have to repeat the TSH next week. It is the suggestion that I am hyperthyroid that upsets me, as I explained how carefully I checked my pulse, BP and temperature. Resting pulse was mostly in the 70s, BP low/normal, temp on low side. After 3 weeks on new dose, resting pulse down to the 60s, BP low/normal, temp on low side though rather variable right now so not sure what that is about, but could be the change in the dose. My temp is rarely 37.0
I am being sent off for bone density scanning (I am OK with that), and possible 24 hr ECG to check for tachycardia runs. I would hope that all of these will demonstrate that I am NOT hyperthyroid. I gather that other signs are sleeplessness (I usually sleep fine, except tonight when I am awake due to the anxiety this letter has caused me!), diarrhoea, weight loss, sweating. I really don't have any of these - I did lose weight on T3 but very slowly. I do not have diarrhoea. I do not sweat (do not have to use antperspirants now I am 64). Is there something I have missed here? I know they are obsessed with the TSH but surely they take note of body signs also?