Hi folks
Have not posted for a while as i have up until now been plodding along very nicely.
About 3 weeks ago i developed chest pain ( i do suffer with palpitations had them for years and they have been investigated due to electrical problem within the heart)
The pain is always left sided underneath my left breast, into armpit and occasionally centre of chest, it occurs on and off through out the day and is not brought on by exercise or anything else.
I went to my Docs twice who said it could be Angina or Costocondaritis, it got so bad i went to A and E twice, they did all blood tests to see if i was having heart attack it all came back normal as did my ecgs.
I have been referred to chest pain clinic and have an appointment next Wednesday, has anyone else suffered with something like this, i know in the past when i begged my Doc to test T3 it came back as out of range and the next time it was tested it was low in range about 4 i think.
Is it possible that my t3 could be the culprit any thoughts guys would be great
Dotti x